EXPLORING THE KNOWN – Between the eye and the way there is an abyss; and before and behind another. And no return, not knowing what to watch, I try to focus pended between abysses. I am seeking a vanishing point, a fountain, the horizon on grass and blue setback, another point, the expansion of a beach. Look for the half-naked …

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ITALIAN RENAISSANCE POETRY – Jacopo From Lentini, Matteo Maria Boiardo and Pietro Bembo

HORSEHAIR GOLD CRESPO – Pietro Bembo Horsehair crape gold and amber clear and pure, which has the aura of the snow floats and flies, gentle eyes and lighter than the sun, to do serene day the dark night. Rice, who could dispel any harsh punishment and harsh, rubies and pearls, where to go out so sweet words, that other good …

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POETRY LOVERS PAGE – Aleksandr Pushkin poems

His personal life was made difficult by his conflicts with the authorities who disapproved of his liberal views. He is the greatest of all Russian writers, and major part of his lyrical poetry was written between 1820 and 1830. Some of his poetical masterpieces were composed in the last seven years of his life. By effecting a new synthesis between …

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DEATH – Poetry, by Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson, poet of the interior life. Nothing about her adult appearance or habitation revealed such a militant soul. Only poems, written quietly in a room of her own, often hand-stitched in small volumes, then hidden in a drawer, revealed her true self. She did not live in time but in universals, an sensitive nature reaching out boldly from self-referral …

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THE MORNING PIERCED Shovelling ashes and chunks of clinker from the fireplace, I found a bloody nail, whose suffering warmed me through the centuries. It’s cold outside. ICE AGE We were cutting logs together, planks from the demolished byre, thick blocks of books, page by page splinters shredded, bark my uncle at the saw, saint anthony, father and myself, merely …

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RISKING CONTINUOUSLY ABSURDITY ‘- Lawrence Ferlinghetti Poetry

Lawrence Ferlinghetti is one of the greatest living poets, well-known around the world for being the protagonist of dissent and the American counterculture, since the days of the legendary beat generation. Poetry as an art that arises is devoted to the social impact of the poem and its validity as a tool of individual and collective liberation. The collection consists …

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FLY TO ME – Alda Merini Poetry

Alda Merini is an Italian poet, born in Milan in 1931. She is the youngest of three brothers, born in a family of modest economic conditions, which will have consequences, when she asks to be admitted at the high school, which does not exceed the test of Italian. She has the good fortune to meet a man named Giacinto Spagnoletti …

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TRACKS – Poetry, by Sigbjørn Obstfelder Death does not makes me more afraid. They get constantly so many comrades. I will find the way, quietly following their fresh tracks. BURNED SHIPS – Poetry, by Henrik Hibsen Turn the prow of the ship from the north, the gods look bright, the played tracks. The fires of lands frost went out into …

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ALBERT VERWEY – The poetic constant renewal of the self

Editor of the magazine “The new guide” and director of “The quarterly magazine”, Albert Verwey founded and directed “The movement”, the creative container that fueled the new post-symbolist trends. He also taught at the University of Leiden. As contemplative poet, he has given us amazing pages, picking up his literary inspiration in timeless books: “Land” in 1896, “The Way of …

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AMERICAN POEMS – Langston Hughes

Yes, Langston Hughes was a prolific writer. In the forty-odd years between his first book in 1926 and his death.He received a scholarship to Lincoln University (in Pennsylvania). In 1923, he traveled to the Africa, visiting Senegal and Nigeria, the Cameroons, Belgium Congo and Angola, and later visiting Europe (Italy and France, Russia and Spain). One of Hughes’ finest essays …

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