Meeting Bench


KENNE GREGOIRE 1/3 – He is a Dutch painter with several thematic areas, in which he explores different approaches. The most prominent it is the still life. Painting beauty, but also sadness, decay and deterioration. He has studied at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. In all of his work, he demonstrates a refined control of color, …

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KENNE GREGOIRE, DUTCH PAINTER – Painting sadness, decay and deterioration

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If during this period you plan to take a trip to Siena, not forget this art opportunities: 10-12 and 24 to 26 February, It will take place “Inside the restoration”, with guided visits to the construction sites of St. Francis Basilica. Do you suffer from vertigo? Do not forget, if you want to give you this gorgeous Siena occasion, …

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WE WAIT FOR YOU IN THE ROOM 61 – Florence, Uffizi Gallery: Supper at Emmaus, by Jacopo Carrucci, aka Pontormo

Its large collection, has works from all centuries. In the heart of Florence, it hosts works of art by great Italian artists (such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaello and Botticelli). The main part of its collections, were left by the Medici to the state of Tuscany, to attract the curiosity foreigners. The Uffizi Gallery, is one of the most famous …

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FLORENTINE SHOPPING – In a wonderful city, buying opportunities for all budgets.

After admiring works of art and unique architecture in the world, maybe it’s time to go shopping in Florence, a city with an ancient tradition of craftsmanship, not only for clothing, but also for souvenirs really special. No fear! You will nothave spend too much to go shopping! Among luxury boutiques and outlets, workshops and outdoors markets, certainly encounter …

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THE FLORENTINE BEEFSTEAK – The rules to treat it well

A cut of beef meat, with specific preparation offers you one of the most famous dishes of Tuscan cuisine. A Florentine steak should be treated with respect, that is, without excessive fluctuations in temperature, because it is the most valuable cut of meat you can eat. You will not find a Florentine steak, when you’re invited to a barbecue …

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TO THE ANTICO VINAIO OF FLORENCE – A tasty aperitif or a memorable dinner, a few steps from the Uffizi Gallery

The reservation at this restaurant is a must, especially during weekends. Not a fancy place, but it is extremely distinctive and always crowded with tourists and Florentines. All of them, with just a few Euros can taste a good wine and they are filled with the products prepared in front of gastronomy (run by the same family). This vintner …

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FROM THE CAMERATA FIORENTINA, TO THE LYRIC OPERA – Florence and its musical nuances

The Florentines are many music venues: Teatro Comunale and Teatro Verdi, Teatro della Pergola (which organizes concerts of classical music), the Nelson Mandela Forum (venue for concerts, particularly rock music), Saschall (Theatre-former tent), which hosts concerts of pop and rock. Not to forget, the Parco della Musica (which from 2014 hosts the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino) During the mid-twentieth century, …

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POLLAIOLO’S BROTHERS WOMEN – Antonio and Piero del Pollaiolo: Portraits of Ladies

ANTONIO E PIERO DEL POLLAIOLO 1/3 – Renaissance artists were very versatile. Their premises in workshops, where – a single space, drew and painted, with little light and air full of smells. In shops like those, he realizes important works, also with the help of his brother Piero. The brothers Pollaiuolo, were active in Florence in the mid fifteenth century. …

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THEY WERE ACTIVE IN FLORENCE – The wonderful artistic fly of the Pollaiolo brothers

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