THE CARTOON VERSION OF BELGIUM PERSONIFICATION – Hergé, Belgian cartoonist father of The Adventures of Tintin

Popular drawing style and ligne claire comic albums The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. We only wish to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works. If you want to know other cartoonists, you can type

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GROTTESE COMICS AND NARRATIVE TECHNIQUE – Al Capp, American cartoonist and humorist

Satirical comic strips, urban experiences and the way the world viewed American South The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. We only wish to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works. If you want to know other cartoonists, you can type

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MADRID, ALMOST A LITERARY CHARACTER – The constant, mysterious and inexplicable force of Madrid’s creativity

The Madrid of creativity, where nobody goes to bed before killing the night Madrid is a city full of history where you will find famous places, such as Paseo del Prado, the Plaza de la Puerta del Sol or the Plaza Mayor (with really interesting buildings), the Royal Palace and the Basilica of San Francisco, Palacios de Cibeles and …

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FICTIONAL SCENES AND REALITY-BASED LENS – Cristina de Middel: Blending documentary and conceptual photographic practices

Disenchanted with photojournalism shaping of public opinions A few years ago, the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid hosted a large photographic retrospective of Luigi Ghirri, an Italian photographer who through two hundred images recounted a vanished Italy, that of the seventies of the twentieth century. Spanish photograph Alberto García-Alix is instead a condensed images that tell tragic …

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BETWEEN HANDS-MADE DETAILS AND AVANT-GARDE DESIGN – Ana Locking, fusion of artisanship and attention to detail

A 2008 Madrid based womenswear, menswear and accessories brand In Madrid, the Museo del Traje preserves important pieces of the XVI century, including a women’s jacket, while its 18th century collection offers significant examples of men’s clothes, such as vests and jackets. Finally, we advise you not to miss the clothing collection of the most important stylists of the …

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At the end of rapid sketches, repeating a sentence from his zarzuelas Among the memories of a trip, there are those who prefer wines or perfumes, ceramics and clothes, but in Madrid, the city that hosted the theatrical success Margarita la Tornera, you will have to know something more about this lyrical-dramatic genre in which spoken and sung scenes alternate, …

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SONGS INSIDE SONGS – Vetusta Morla, an indie rock band from Madrid

A very popular band, between surprises and innovations Also in Madrid, do not forget the famous artists and the new musical talents who share the warmth of the public, through the experience of playing live. Arrived in the city we recommend you to create the soundtrack of your trip to the Spanish capital, visiting some places you will never forget, …

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YOUR BEST PHOTOGRAPHY? THE ONE WHERE YOU SMILE IN MADRID – Traveling where “el que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho”

You can leave Madrid, but it will never leave you Madrid is a city full of history where you will find famous places, such as Paseo del Prado, the Plaza de la Puerta del Sol or the Plaza Mayor (with really interesting buildings), the Royal Palace and the Basilica of San Francisco, Palacios de Cibeles and Santa Cruz. The …

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FIVE SICILIAN WAYS TO SAY I CREATE – Places and people of the artistic originality of a Mediterranean island

Charm, originality and talent of famous Sicilians Welcome to our author’s journey to Sicily, where we will arrive landing at Catania airport in search of the multifaceted musical expressiveness of Franco Battiato and Riposto, his country of origin. Since the paths of creativity are manifold, we will look for the one that leads us to Comiso, where you can get …

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FASCINATE THE WORLD, WITH THE MANY FACETS OF ART – Salvatore Fiume, the all-round artist

A complete creative, capable of declining his skills in the many fields of art In the southwestern part of the Province of Ragusa, Comiso awaits you, with a Buddhist monument (the Pagoda of Peace) located in front of a former missile base. In Piazza Fonte Diana, with foundations resting on a Roman bath, the eighteenth-century Palazzo Comunale houses a …

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A PHOTOGRAPHER WHO WRITES – Ferdinando Scianna: To capture a certain way of seeing things

When photography becomes the story of a human story 13 kilometers from Palermo, overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea and dominated by the mountains, Bagheria awaits you, a city that preserves a large amount of villas built in Baroque architecture. Palazzo Butera, aristocratic residence of 1658, is the most visited by tourists. Villa Cattolica, built in 1736, houses an art museum …

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LOVE FOR FASHION, ITALY AND CRAFTSMANSHIP – Domenico Dolce and Sicily, his inspiring muse

Being born in Sicily, where wherever you go there is beauty One of the most beautiful villages in Sicily, which seems to float above a sea of clouds, is Polizzi Generosa Nestled above the Madonie Mountains, it has very ancient origins. Its urban center reminds you of a distant architectural splendor never spent. Its gastronomic heritage offers you Badda …

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THE KNIGHT AND DEATH – Novel by Leonardo Sciascia

The truth at the bottom of a well It was inaugurated in 1847, but the novi cannola fountain is still an admirable architectural work. This Racalmuto fountain is fed by a stream whose waters were channeled downstream of the town. In its vicinity, the necropolis of the Stefano district preserves more than one hundred tombs excavated in the open …

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