September 20, 2024 7:08 pm


At the end of rapid sketches, repeating a sentence from his zarzuelas

Among the memories of a trip, there are those who prefer wines or perfumes, ceramics and clothes, but in Madrid, the city that hosted the theatrical success Margarita la Tornera, you will have to know something more about this lyrical-dramatic genre in which spoken and sung scenes alternate, together with concerted dances This theatrical genre has maintained popularity until the end of the 1950s, also with the musical experience of Plácido Domingo, whose family ran a zarzuela company. One of the most celebrated zarzuela writers was Carlos Fernández Shaw. Opera, zarzuela show and dinner, are your most lasting memory of Madrid .

He attended schools in Cadiz, dedicating himself to poetry. One of his descendants was coauthor of the book The Hispanic Presence in North America. Born in Cadiz in 1865, to a Spanish father and an English mother, Carlos Fernández Shaw was a poet and writer. After receiving several poetry awards, in 1883 he wrote his first poetic collection, then graduating in law from the University of Madrid.

Playwright and poet, he had theatrical successes with La Revoltosa in 1897. In 1909, for the music of R. Chapí he composed a libretto on the legend of Margarita la Tornera, a postulant nun that leaves her convent with a romantic adventurer, and while she is gone, a miracle takes place in the chapel of the convent. Carlos Fernández Shaw collaborated with numerous writers of the period, including Ricardo De la Vega.

He dedicated his life to poetry and letters, writing theatrical texts and librettos for zarzuele and operas, like Margarita la tornera and La vida breve Carlos Fernández Shaw also wrote for several newspapers, was professor and head of law at the University of Madrid. He attempted suicide with poison, dying in Madrid after a few days, in 1911.

DEL POEMA ÍNTIMO ALMA EN DOLOR – Oye, lector: si gozas de la vida, no fijes tus miradas en mis versos. Son muy tristes, y causan las tristezas los daños, que desgarran, del veneno. Mas, si lloras y sufres, si el dolor te enloquece, vé leyéndolos. Expresando mis cuitas, es posible que digas, á la vez, tus propios duelos.

FROM INTIMATE POEM SOUL IN PAIN – Hey, reader: if you enjoy life, do not fix your eyes on my verses. They are very sad, and cause sadness the damage, which tears, of the poison. But, if you cry and suffer, if the pain drives you crazy, go reading them. Expressing my concerns, you may say, at the same time, your own duels.

If you want to know writers, you can type, while for poets around the world The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works. The property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors.


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