February 12, 2025 12:12 pm


The art of listening to the sea as it enters a glass

Art is not limited to a single genre or style, but embraces the diversity of creative expressions. Meeting Benches https://www.instagram.com/dante_nevante/ offers a variety of visual narratives ranging from works of art to short stories. But not only that. The engaging digital images created by Dastilige Nevante https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVE6uDP1y7H1wpuQWL8GFKQ are designed to stimulate imagination and inspiration. Why is Meeting Bences a place of reflection and inspiration? Sitting on one of these imaginary benches is like taking a break from the daily frenzy, an invitation to slow down, look around and see the art and beauty that surrounds us. As a place where geographical barriers dissolve and people unite through a passion for art, catering to a global community Meeting Benches attracts artists and art lovers from all over the world. Meeting Benches is a place of inspiration, sharing and connection, an invitation to sit back, look beyond and immerse yourself in the charm of creativity without boundaries of race, religion or gender.

Writing poetry is an act of profound expression that allows you to communicate emotions, thoughts and worldviews in both an artistic and sensitive way. Poetry offers full freedom of expression, thus allowing you to play with words and create something unique. Writing poetry becomes a way to make sense of life’s experiences and challenges. Writing poetry can be a way to express and overcome intense emotions or difficult moments. In short, writing poetry is an act of beauty, intimacy, and communication that enriches our lives and the lives of others. Michele Mari and Mariangela Gualtieri, Francesco Carofiglio and Gio Evan. Here are some contemporary Italian poets to read. These poets offer a variety of styles and themes, and each of them contributes to the vibrant panorama of contemporary Italian poetry.

Michele Mari, writer, translator and teacher of Italian literature, made his debut in the field of poetry in 2007. Son of a designer and a draftsman and writer, Michele Mari is considered one of the most authoritative experts on eighteenth-nineteenth century Italian literature. The literary production of this Milanese, which is inspired by the great adventurous-fantasy narratives of the past and ranges between fiction and poetry, theatre, comics and essays, has a composite and refined style. His versatility and ability to mix genres make him a fascinating figure in contemporary Italian literature. Here is a short poem of his taken from his collection “Cento Poesie d’amore a Ladyhawke” https://www.einaudi.it/catalogo-libri/poesia-e-teatro/poesia/cento-poesie-damore-a-ladyhawke- michele-mari-9788806181123/: You don’t remember but in a time so far away that it doesn’t seem like it was, we swung on a single swing That that swing would never end was the only prayer in the strict sense.

Mariangela Gualtieri, between theater and poetry, in one of her most famous works constructs poetry through a theatrical structure, creating a text in which it is possible to find the subdivision of the works of classical theatre. Born in Cesena and graduated in architecture, she co-founded a theater company that continues to produce shows to this day. Her poetic voice continues to inspire and move audiences. Her literary production, which embraces both poetry and theatre, often emphasizes the aspect of the inadequacy of the word. Among the poets she loves, Dante Alighieri, Amelia Rosselli and Dylan Thomas. Here is a short poem taken from his collection “Senza polvere senza peso” https://www.einaudi.it/catalogo-libri/poesia-e-teatro/poesia/senza-polvere-senza-peso-mariangela-gualtieri- 9788806168407/: Now it’s night, prayer, opens the locks of silence, makes the sidereal map appear and we kneel down for that immense space, between here and the edge of the beginning, when the dorsal spines are all stretched out.

Francesco Carofiglio, architect, but passionate about drawing and writing, loves putting together drawings and verses into small stories. Born in Bari, during his studies in Architecture he worked as an actor and illustrator exploring creativity in various fields. As an architect, he contributed to important urban planning projects. His equally rich literary career ranges from novels to graphic novels and collections of poems and drawings. Here is a short poem of his taken from his collection “Poems of the tight time” https://www.ibs.it/poesie-del-tempo-stretto-libro-francesco-carofiglio/e/9788856677928: Life is a boat broken in the middle, with the bow and stern raised and the sea covering the wound. A calm, still sea.

Born in Molfetta, he lives between Gubbio and Perugia. The multifaceted artist Gio Evan, writer, poet and singer-songwriter, is known for short aphorisms in verse taken from his works, with a leitmotif based on wordplay and the insertion of love poems in a metropolitan context. His versatility and his ability to touch different artistic spheres make him a fascinating and appreciated artist. His career is a journey through creative expression in multiple forms. Over the years, he has published novels, poems and anthologies, ranging between narrative and verse which he shares in verse on social networks. Here is a short poem by him, a hymn to freedom and the wisdom of not holding onto what is no longer needed: If it is destined to break, let it break immediately, so I don’t waste time keeping it together. Don’t miss this beautiful collection of poems: “Don’t lose me seriously. Poems and meditations to find yourself” https://www.amazon.it/perdermi-serio-Poesie-meditazioni-ritrovarsi/dp/8817183210.

If you want to know writers, you can type https://meetingbenches.com/category/writers/, while for poets from all over the world https://meetingbenches.com/category/poetry/. The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people appreciate their works. The ownership of the images that appear in this blog corresponds to their authors.


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