September 13, 2024 12:32 am

THE FACE OF A PERFUME – Sofia Achaval de Montaigu: A perfect mix, between French and Argentine

Acheval Pampa,  revolutioning Paris fashion

Good shoes to walk along the many paths, using light clothes to visit the north of the country. Mountain material to tackle the Andean peaks and warm clothes to visit the south and Patagonia. Everything depends on the areas you need to visit, as well as the time of year. Argentina is so large that it is possible to live a thousand different journeys, in one. Preparing your suitcase to get there is not easiest to do. What to buy in memory of your trip? Look at the catalog of designer Sofia Achaval de Montaigu, where you will find something irresistible.

A phrase of Borges (the Pampas is a horizontal vertigo), can be read on her shirts. Co-founder of Acheval Pampa (embroidered blouses and gaucho pants), the Argentine designer Sofía Achaval has a writer husband, and loves the earrings and bracelets inherited from her grandmother. When she left Buenos Aires to study fashion in the Berçot Studio in Paris, everyone believed that the Argentine equestrian world had to be inscribed in her DNA.

As a child, Sofia Achaval de Montaigu‘s family settled in the countryside for three summer months, and she rode with the gauchos. Her particular style, with gaucho velvet trousers and very high Azzaro boots, fascinated Parisians. Even then, she was fascinated by the gaucho aesthetic, with their elegant way of dressing. Even her grandmother, from a French family, had been a reference of refinement to her.

At the end of her fashion studies, Sofia Achaval de Montaigu started working as a model for Marc Jacobs or Louis Vuitton. She worked as a stylist for V Magazine and a fashion editor for The Daily, where she met her future writer husband. Now she lives in the ideal enclave on the left bank of the Seine, in an elegant apartment halfway between the Orsay Museum and the Café de Flore.

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