SHE WAS WRITING IN A NERVOUS HUSH – Elena Shvarts, the woman that explored the themes of marginality and authenticity

She published sixteen books of poetry and prose (plus a four-volume collected works during her lifetime). Elena Shvarts was a major figure in the underground Leningrad and became widely known and translated after the fall of the Soviet Union. Born in Leningrad, she attended the University of Tartu, where her first poems were published in 1973. She explored the themes …

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Don’t forget that, also about poetry people say: It’s not the size that matters, but what you do with it. Writing your poem don’t just stick to flowery descriptions, but you need to think of scenes, which convey sense. Reading the best poems will help inspire you to think about important elements of poetry-writing, such as themes and style. Your …

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She used free verse to explore her interiority through imagery. In her poetry, the body becomes alien and threatening. Even with such a brief career, she was one of the most innovative avant-garde poets in early-twentieth-century Japan. She focused on mainstream poets, but her own poems were influenced by surrealism. She started studies to become an English teacher (but moved to …

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THE PEARL FISHERMAN – Luis Benitez This evening and part of the night, I sank again into the dense sea, where we beings and things float. I descended for pearls to show to men who fear even the risk of the border. This evening and part of the night, I was amidst that silence, in that deepness where the most …

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THE CHARM OF THE SICILIAN POETRY – Little Sicilian literary park

What explains Sicilians’ passion for literature? It is a certain sense of realism. It comes as no surprise, that Sicilian literature is a reflection of Sicily’s cultural identity over the centuries. Sicilian school and Tuscan poets (centred in the courts of Emperor Frederick II) established the vernacular – as opposed to Provençal – the standard language for Italian love poetry. …

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STARS OVER THE DORDOGNE – Wan, dulled by much travelling

Born in 1932 to middle class parents in Massachusetts, Sylvia Plath published her first poem at the age of eight. She was a sensitive person, who tended to be a bit of a perfectionist. She was what many would consider a model daughter. She won a scholarship to Smith College in 1950 (even then she had an enviable list of …

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Anyone can come out of the darkness, to the light. Come out, don’t fight. Come out to the poetry landscapes. https://www.amazon.com/Great-American-Poems-Thrift-Editions/dp/0486401588 It’s your world to share. To show, you care for someone is to lend a helping hand. Share, whatever can help someone in need, you will be happier and a better person indeed. Whether you’re searching for words to …

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He is remembered for his poems describing Icelandic scenery. Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807/1845), was one of the most popular of Iceland’s Romantic poets. He was born at the farm Hraun in Oxen Valley, in north central Iceland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4fPc0Gvepk He lost his father when he was nine. It was a great metropolis that fostered his poetic gift, although the roots of his …

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LITERARY LONDONERS SHADES – The colors of Amy Levy, George Eliot and William Blake

LONDON IN JULY – Amy Levy About Soho we went before the light. We went, unresting six, craving new fun, new scenes, new raptures, for the fevered night of rollicking laughter, drink and song, was done. The vault was void, but for the dawn’s great star that shed upon our path its silver flame, when La Paloma on a low …

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HE WAS LIKE A LEAF – Umberto Saba and autobiographical poems

He was Italian poet, noted for his simple autobiographical poems. Umberto Saba was raised by his Jewish mother, after his father deserted them, when he was an infant. From age 17, he developed his interest in poetry. In November 1910 was published his first collection of poems. https://www.amazon.com/Songbook-Selected-Umberto-Margellos-Republic/dp/0300181752 He established his reputation as a poet with the publication of “The …

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