September 18, 2024 6:13 pm

NOT GIVEN TO MAN IN ORDER TO CONCEAL THOUGHTS – José Saramago: Inside us, there is something that has no name; something that is what we are.

If you are sincere today, what does it matter if you regret it tomorrow?

It is everything you imagine when you dream of Portugal. Bed & Breakfast Casa da Azinhaga, Rua da Misericordia 25, Golega, is really well kept (the pool is a beautiful surprise). You are now 70 km above Lisbon. Azinhaga is a village in the municipality of Golegã (Ribatejo, Portugal. It was the birthplace of the Nobel Prize-winning author José Saramago.

That man, who was born in Azinhaga on a November day in 1922, became a writer and poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Because of the economic difficulties, JOSE’ SARAMAGO was forced to abandon his studies, finding employment in the field of publishing. In 1947, he wrote Terra del Sin, his first novel. During the sixties, his activity as a literary critic was very successful, and his first collection of poetry dates back to that period.

One of the features that most characterize his works is to narrate events from unusual perspectives, highlighting the human factor behind the event. The positions of JOSE’ SARAMAGO on religion have caused controversy. After the publication of “The Gospel according to Jesus Christ“, the censorship imposed on the book by the Portuguese government induced him to leave the country. Also in 2009, with the release of his latest novel “Cain“, he found himself polemized, criticizing the bible of the vindictive God, rancorous, bad, unworthy of trust. The novel proved controversial among the Roman Catholic Church. The Gospel According to Jesus Christ is a fictional re-telling of Jesus Christ’s life, depicting him as a flawed, humanised character with passions and doubts. Other critics praised the novel as a philosophical and compelling work. Page by page, you too can re-imagines the life of Jesus Christ, using the events depicted in the canonical gospels as a scaffold on which to construct its story.

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