the_master_of_the_argonaut_panels_-by_jacopo_del_sellaio_1In London, there is the Museum of Empathy http://www.empathymuseum.com/ the brainchild of British philosopher Krznaric, with the aim of creating a space of experience and sharing. Almost like putting in the shoes of others. Obviously, entering a museum full of famous paintings, you can also use the shoes (understood as artistic sensibility), of an famous painter. The creative life styles, are characterized by attitudes and non-compliant behavior. With creativity, idea or a musical composition, a work of literature or painting, it forms something new. As well as through teaching and training, the museums encourage the careful study of the original works of art.

dante_gabriel_rossettiThe Harvard Museum it underwent an extensive renovation (under the eye of architect Renzo Piano). Now, you could spend weeks studying its 250,000 objects! We tried to imagine, with the shoes of George Tooker (an American painter associated with magic realism and surrealism, who graduated here in 1942), a special selection of three pictorial art masterpieces, those who had contributed to forming his pictorial sensibility (creative and expressive). http://www.harvardartmuseums.org/collectionspesellino_the_construction_of_the_temple_of_jerusalem_1

The Judgment of Paris, by Jacopo del Sellaio, or Cosimo Rosselli. Tempera on panel, transferred to canvas. Joos van der Burch and Saint Simon of Jerusalem, by unidentified Artist. Technical evidence suggests that the image was originally commissioned by Joos’s son, Simon van der Burch, who had himself portrayed alongside his patron saint. The Blessed Damozel, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a poet as well as an artist. His poem “The Blessed Damozel” was first composed in 1847, when he was nineteen. The two-part frame, emphasizes the separation between heaven and earth.logo-meeting-benches

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