FIRES BURN: Poetry, by Marichiko

FIRES BURN Fires burn in my heart. Do not smoke rises. Nobody knows. (Marichiko)

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ROCKING HORSE: Poetry, by Tawari Machi

ROCKING HORSE Back and forth without going anywhere raising a child this is like rocking horse time that you gave to me. (Tawari Machi)

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WHEN YOU WILL BE OLD: Poetry, by William Butler Yeats

WHEN YOU WILL BE OLD When you’re old, wavering between fire and waking take this book, read it unhurriedly and dreams of the sweetness of your eyes for a time, and their shadows. How many loved your sweet grace of that time, and the beauty of a true or false love. But one only loved your soul pilgrim, and the …

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WHAT WOULD NOT THIS WORLD: Poetry, by Samuel Beckett

WHAT WOULD NOT THIS WORLD What would I do without ever this world, faceless or questions, where to be but for a moment in which each instant, spills into the void of oblivion have been without this wave where finally will collapse together body and shadow. What would I do without this ever silent abyss of whispers, panting furiously rescue …

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HOW YOU SHOULD KISSING: Poetry, by Erich Fried

HOW YOU SHOULD KISSING   When I kiss you, not just your mouth, not just your belly button, it’s not just that I kiss your lap. I also kiss your questions, and your desires, I kiss your thinking, your doubts, and your courage, your love for me, and your freedom from me, your foot that has come here, and that’s …

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THE WOMAN LEFT HAND: Poetry, by Peter Handke

THE WOMAN LEFT HAND Her climbed with other from a metro station, ate with with other in a warm table, with other was waiting in a laundry, but once I saw her alone, in front of a wall newspaper. She was dating with other from a skyscraper of offices, she trod with other at a stand, she sat with other …

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IF I MELT – Poetry, by Marja Virolainen

IF I MELT If I melt fusing in the rain, and the window see the nightjar, before sleeping when you take off the white shirt, open window: it’s me, scalded wings, flourish in your eyes, I support your neck burning, a soft laugh, whispers, I open my wings on your chest, I close them, I land in a breath, on …

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JOKES OF CLOUDS: Poetry, by Vladimir Majakoskij

JOKES OF CLOUDS Sailed clouds in the sky, four pieces of clouds; from first to third were people; the fourth was a camel. At these, curiously he joined the street a fifth; from it, in the lap of the blue sky an elephant pulled away behind another. And I do not know if he frightened the sixth, suddenly the clouds …

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THE END: Poetry, by David Herbert Lawrence

THE END   If I could hold you in my heart,  if only I could wrap you in me,  As I would be happy!  But now the memory card before  once again I unrolled the course  of our journey so far, here where we part. And to say that you’ve never, ever been  some your reality, my love,  and never …

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YOU SHOULD NOT KNOW THE DESPAIR: Poetry of Emily Jane Bronte (1818/1848)

YOU SHOULD NOT KNOW THE DESPAIR Should not you know despair if the stars sparkle every night; If the dew falls silent at night and the sun gilds the morning. Should not you know despair, although the tears to flow in rivers: are not the most favorite years forever in your heart? Cry, you cry, so it must be; The …

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