ALL – Poetry, by Wislawa Szymborska

ALL A brazen word and swollen with self-importance. It should be written in quotation marks. He pretends not to leave anything out, to concentrate, include, contain and take. But it is only a shred storm. (Wislawa Szymborska) http://www.amazon.com/Poems-New-Collected-Wislawa-Szymborska/dp/0156011468/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

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BETWEEN THE HEART AND A MAPLE LEAF – Poetry, by Kazimiera IÅ‚Å‚akowiczówna

BETWEEN THE HEART AND A MAPLE LEAF Between the heart and a maple leaf there is a thread, along which the thought walking barefoot, and after its passage, or before his arrival, dance on the golden thread the wasp and horsefly. The stout fly and wasp in her brindle coat; they are a little ugly, but you can take it …

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ONE MORNING IN SWEDEN – Poetry, by Lars Gustafsson

ONE MORNING IN SWEDEN Morning, the wind blew, the flags waving and tended the area, there was ice under the white birches. Then passes someone dressed in black, walking with heavy steps, as if to go very far. The empty spontaneous road rises to a slope where he starts. Of course I knew him, I could tell him, and all …

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THAT COOL GREEN STRIP – Poetry, Lars Gustafsson

THAT COOL GREEN STRIP That cold green strip, which was the morning had nothing in common with us. And the smoke from the chimneys, rising solemnly, straight up. In some god who loved, these vertical movements. And the crunch under your feet! Oh this indescribable crunch: no one can get not heard, that was for sure. And the suspicion that …

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LIFE – Poetry, by Lars Gustafsson

LIFE Life flows through my time, and I, an unshaven face, where wrinkles are deep, I analyze the traces. Thoughts like cattle, advancing on the road to drink, lost summers back, one by one, deep as the sky is the melancholy, the sedge plant that was, and then the clouds rolled over white, yet I know that everything is the …

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PAINTED WORDS IN A COBALT BLUE SKY – The Japanese haiku: beautiful poems, in large meanings

When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life. SEEDS OF HELL: …

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THE LIFE – Poetry by C. Pich

LA VITA > Tu che fai piccole barchette d’oro, fai per noi la più piccola. Sarà la barchetta dei nostri sogni in questo mare non sempre azzurro che è la vita. THE LIFE > You, you do small golden boats, you do for us the smallest. It will be the little boat of our dreams, in this sea not always …

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TWO EYES – Poetry, by Dario Pasero

DUE OCCHI > Due occhi mi guardano nel profondo, mi hanno fatto sanguinare il cuore. Due labbra rosse mi hanno detto dolcemente un segreto, che so solo io. Un solco del tuo profumo nell’aria chiara, mi ha sussurrato piano. Mai più. TWO EYES > Two eyes look at me deeply, made me bleed my heart. Two red lips told me …

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MALADROIT – Poetry, by Jordi Cornudella

MALAPTESA > Jo no sabia què fer del meu cos, els braços que semblaven mig cenyir-te però no les mans – i tu em vas ajudar. Salvant a l’aire el gest vas acollir-lo. Vas salvar el gest, i més: al seu redós de sobte el que era pla va ensenyar uns nous corrents més àgils dins l’aigua quieta. De sobte …

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END OF THE PARTY – Poetry, byJaume Subirana

FINAL DE FESTA > Vénen cada matí les formes i la llum i cada nit vénen més formes i la fosca, i tot fuig en la nit i fuig tot en ple dia amb la proclama silenciosa que l’excés dels mesos, les setmanes i l’abans i l’ara ens ha estat atorgat, mercè d’un rei magnànim i terrible. Que tot ens …

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