February 11, 2025 11:36 pm

ECCENTRIC DESIGNER, WITH A HINT OF SPANISH FLAR – Lupe Gajardo: emerging fashion designer from Santiago, Chile

Traditional influences and avant garde style

There is an important day for the Chileans; it arrived on September 18, el Dieciocho, a day of great popular festivals during which independence from Spain is celebrated. On this occasion, if you are traveling in Chile, you will see people wearing traditional costumes, while dance the cueca and gather to drink and eat, wearing huaso and a straw hat, the chupalla. Some of them wear chamanto, a reversible poncho, made of wool or silk. Something to wear, remembering your Chilean journey? Something from Lupe Gajardo, a good mix of traditional and avant-garde influences.

Her interest in manual work comes from her maternal grandmother who loved to paint, and her paternal one, a tailor who had a large workshop. She had been five years with her fingers on the sewing machine. She needed to organize her ideas. An internship in the New York laboratory of the artist Sebastián Errázuriz opened the door for her to make that jump. The first Chilean designer at NY Fashion Week 2015 was Lupe Gajardo http://lupegajardo.com/. Her distinguishing features are confident silhouette and the marriage of Latin American tradition with the avant-garde.

Despite of her early age and career, both the press and the industry experts consider her Latin American fashion’s prodigy child. She is a fashion designer from Santiago de Chile. A one-storey house, with walls and white tiles, in via Padre Hurtado, in Las Condes. This is the workshop, where the designer Lupe Gajardo https://www.facebook.com/Lupe-Gajardo-93084231798/ learned to make everything work perfectly. Since launching her brand, she has participated in many catwalks, which is why national and international media have recognized her work.

She offers a fresh injection of Latin America’s soul for stylish to feel. From her father she inherited manual skills, while the ability to get into things comes from her mother. Some of the creations surrounding Lupe Gajardo https://twitter.com/lupe_gajardo in her atelier are long black silk dresses and black bodysuits with diamonds. Today she is one of the most respected young designers in the national fashion scene, but while working she prefers to wear a simple short-sleeved t-shirt, blue jeans and leather espadrilles. She presented her Spring Summer 2016 collection at the first Mercedes Benz – Santiago Fashion Week edition.

If you want to get to know other creative people who have contributed to enriching international fashion scene, you can type http://meetingbenches.com/category/boutique_travel/. The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works. The property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors.


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