I ASKED YOU – Poetry, by Hermann Hesse

I ASKED YOU   I asked you because your eyes dwell in my as a star of the sky in a dark tidal surge. I’ve looked for a long time how wise a bimbo with the look, you told me then, with kindness: I love you, because you’re so sad. (Hermann Hesse)

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THE FUTURE: Poetry, by Guillaume Apollinaire

THE FUTURE “We raise the straw We look at the snow We write letters expect orders. We smoke a pipe thinking about love The gabions are there We look at the pink. The source he has not withered Neither the straw gold has faded We look at the bee And we do not think about Tomorrow. Let us hands What …

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WHERE ENDS THE RAINBOW: Poetry by Richard Rive

WHERE ENDS THE RAINBOW – “Where ends the Rainbow there will be a place, brother, where the world can sing songs of all sorts. We will sing together, black and white brothers, a song. And a hand full of sadness. Don’t know why difficult to learn. but we will learn together there is a reason that both black, there is a …

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SERENADE: Poetry by Federico Garcia Lorca

SERENATA “Lungo le rive del fiume la notte si sta bagnando e sui seni di Lolita muoiono d’amore i rami. Muoiono d’amore i rami. La notte nuda canta sui ponti di marzo. Lolita lava il suo corpo con acqua salmastra e nardi. Muoiono d’amore i rami. Luccica in alto sui tetti la notte d’argento e d’anice. Argento di rivi e …

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BITTER LOVE: poetry by Pablo Neruda

BITTER LOVE “Bitter Love, purple crowned with thorns, Bush among many passions fraught, launches of pain, of rage, corolla for which roads and how did you live to my soul? Why did you precipitate your painful fire, suddenly, between the cold leaves of my road? Who taught you the steps that brought you unto me? Which flower, stone, smoke you …

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UNITED COLOURS BY SEPARATION: Losing us in the evening, with eyes dew. Dust no more passion

GOODBYE – V. Sereni: And there, light, you go on the wind, you get lost in the evening. MAYBE STILL – Anonymous, Hawaii Islands: She could still come. But who would sing the song? Past is his day. Gone is the image of her. You, a woman estranged. I, a man estranged. TOWARDS A BORDER – G. Gozzano: When The …

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MORNING PRAYER: Poetry, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

MORNING PRAYER “For me it’s dark, but you there is light, I’m alone, but you do not leave me are cowardly, but there is help from you are restless, but you no peace in me there is bitterness, but you patience I do not understand your ways, but you know the right path for me. “ (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

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DEAD WATER: Poetry, by Wen Yi Duo

DEAD WATER “This is the moat of putrid water and despair, not a breath of the breeze ruffles. Better throw ourselves even ferracci rusted and copper pieces, and without remorse even the leftovers of the meal. Maybe the copper pieces they want to become green as jade, and tin boxes you embroider some peach flower petal; let the anointed make …

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LANGUAGES: Poetry, by Bei Dao

LANGUAGES “Many languages now spoken in this world. Flying above the words, meet, meet, bump, creating sparks, sometimes hate, sometimes love. The skyscraper of rationality, but collapses without vocals, with fragile and light thoughts. Bamboo tablets, a handwoven basket filled with poisonous mushrooms blinds. Those rock paintings quadrupeds we trample the flowers above, but a secret shower develops somewhere on …

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IN A MOMENT: Poetry by Delicate Arch

IN A MOMENT “Weak. The secret is waiting, tomorrow. Box of tranquility, in a moment. “ (Delicate Arch)

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