INNISFREE, THE ISLAND ON THE LAKE: Poetry, by William Butler Yeats

INNISFREE, THE ISLAND ON THE LAKE   I will arise and go now, go to Innisfree, and build a hut there, made of clay and reeds. Nine rows in beans will have there, a hive for the honey bees, and I’ll be in the clear just buzzing bee. And I’ll have a bit ‘of peace there, for peace comes down …

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SLEEP FOR A LITTLE: Ancient Irish Poem

SLEEP FOR A LITTLE Sleep for a little, a very little while and fear nothing. Man to whom I have given my love sleep here, deeply, deeply I will watch over your rest. My heart would break with grief if I should ever lose sight of you. To part us would be to exile the body from the soul. So …

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THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE: Poetry, by Paul Durcan

THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE When I push the cart around the supermarket, I am the center of the universe; up and down the aisles of beans and juices, I am the center of the universe; I live just is not important; I’m a lover dumped is not important; that swimming in my work as a fish out of water …

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FAREWELL: Poetry, by Fan Yun

POETRY OF FAREWELL     To the east and west the walls of Luoyang, long I salute the passage of time. Before she left the snow that seemed flowers, Now come the flowers that seem to snow. (Fan Yun) http://www.amazon.com/Sunflower-Splendor-Thousand-Chinese-Midland/dp/0253206073

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WAITING FOR YOU: Poetry, by Paul Valery

WAITING FOR YOU I lived of waiting for you. My heart slow, was just your steps. (Paul Valery) http://www.amazon.com/Art-Poetry-Bollingen-XLV-Vol/dp/0691018804/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 http://www.amazon.it/Opere-scelte-Paul-Val%C3%A9ry/dp/8804614021/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430907348&sr=8-1&keywords=Poesie+Val%C3%A9ry%2C+Paul

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WITH EVERY GOODBYE, YOU LEARN: Poetry, by Jorge Louis Borges

WITH EVERY GOODBYE, YOU LEARN With every goodbye you learn. And you learn that love not lean on someone, and the company is not security. And you begin to learn that kisses are not contracts, and the gifts are not promises. (Jorge Luis Borges) http://www.amazon.it/Jorge-Luis-Borges-Vita-Poesia/dp/2296020615 http://www.amazon.com/Borges-Selected-Poems-Jorge-Luis/dp/0140587217

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SERENADE: Poetry, by Federico Garcia Lorca

SERENADE     Along the banks of the river the night is bathing and on the breasts of Lolita die of love the branches.      Die of love branches. The night naked singing on the bridges of March. Lolita washes her body with brackish water and Nardi.      Die of love the branches. Glitters in high over the rooftops the …

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I WANT SEATING NEAR YOU: Poetry, by Federico Garcia Lorca

I WANT SEATING NEAR YOU I would sit next to you in silence, but I have not the courage: I’m afraid my heart I go up to my lips. That’s why I speak foolishly and hide my heart behind the words. Taken cruelly my pain for fear you to do the same. My pillow looks at me at night with …

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When love enters our life, we are surprised, because that sense of merging with your loved one, makes us understand a seemingly simple thing, and quite unusual: love is the only means at our disposal to break the loneliness, often lurking in some moments of our lives. In some poems, this perception ensured by love is fully expressed, so poignant, …

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LOVE: Poetry, by Guy de Maupassant

LOVE           Love is a brief word, but embraces all the others, because it includes the body, the soul, life and the whole being. We perceive it as well as feel the warm blood, we find out how the air, we carry in ourselves as our thoughts. For us there is nothing more important. (Guy de …

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