FOR THE FIRST TIME, AFTER A LONG TIME – Listen to French music, rediscovering emotions never extinguished

If the gift of the musician – for each of us – is to become the mouthpiece of a thought that, with the radio and the web, it can spread in the world, then we are the subjects of their motivational boost, one that enters our years, when we want to live or when we feel sad. That motivational drive, …

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THE SONGS OF JACQUES PREVERT – Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour là

Jacques Prévert was born in Paris in 1900. He left school in 1915, working at various jobs until 1920 when he served in the military in Lorraine. He was a French poet and screenwriter. In 1925, he began to associate with the surrealists, including André Breton and Louis Aragon. His first poems were published in 1930, and in 1931 there …

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THE MUSICAL TONES OF THE CZECH SOUL – Like the mirror of his people, feeling music and different rhythms

When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life. Welcome to the …

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THE DIDGERIDOO DISCOVERY – When sadness in the lyrics and melodies was the expression of an inner landscape

Country music is a narrative of the life of the Australian outback, where aborigines were brought up, seeing him change gradually over time. The songs tell a longing for the far country, together with the love for their land, where the sense of disorientation of indigenous peoples was expressive affinity, because sadness of the lyrics and melodies was the expression …

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AMALFITAN MUSIC – White walls, sunny paintings

CANZONE AMALFITANA > Sono muri bianchi dipinti dal sole, finestre verdi, loggette fiorite, conventi appesi, vicoli scavati che, nell’acqua, si specchiano. Carolina, Carolina, guarda, vedi, vedi. Parla dei venti la rosa amalfitana, e l’aria profuma così tanto che ti stordisce, mentre, nel cielo, il suono di una campana si stende sulla stesura di una canzone. Carolina, Carolina, andiamo, dai, dimmi …

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CALIFORNIAN MUSIC – “Without music life would be a mistake”

It begins where the word ends, for it is the universal language of all. Listening to it, you’re like transported in a special sense of existence, high and rarefied. The music, the sound of your soul, it is also your best friend, the one that never leaves you, because it is in your skin and in your heart so you …

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POLISH MUSICAL SHELLS – When the music approaching peoples, styles and generations

When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life. The music is …

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When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life.                          CHERRY BLOSSOM, CHERRY …

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HANDS REMEMBER Do you remember what things looked like when you were young? The voice of an old friend,or the notes to your first song, it’s been a while now, since you asked me to be your cat, your dog, your owl or bumblebee. Lately I’ve been feeling, like the days gonna come, you’ll walk up to me, and erase …

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I LOVE YOU Where the light shivers offshore, through the tides of oceans, are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue, I am softly watching you. Oh boy your eyes betray what burns inside you. Whatever I feel for you, you only seem to care about you. Is there any chance you could see me …

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