Author Travels

ORIGINALITY, RIDING THE ARCTIC CIRCLE – The playful celebration of creativity, between the Baltic Sea and Norway

Where the midnight sun encourages creativity Painting in an intuitive way, from a drop of white to creating a human body, does not always require a plan. In fact, and even outside the academic schemes, from an idea it is possible to dive into an extremely stimulating adventure. In opposition to the traditional style of the Royal Danish Academy of …

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ROMAN HOLIDAYS, BETWEEN ZIMARRE AND DOLLS – Six ways of saying, “I create”, in Rome

The virtues of others, in the echo of what they leave us Our “author’s journey” offers you a Roman itinerary that does not exist in any tourist catalog. In fact, the choice to propose some places in Rome starts from the need to walk where creative men and women have been able to express their creative talent. It will, therefore, …

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INDIA, WHERE WHAT IS CREATIVES GENERATES ITSELF – If talent is the improvement of something that is already there

You do not buy it, nor do you learn: talent in India it is possessed If you are looking for colours, flavours & timelessness, choose your destination and the best places to visit in the state of Karnataka In the south-west of India, bathed by the Arabian Sea, in the south-west you will find the magnificent Mysore temples. Hampi, …

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KOREAN WAYS TO SAY I CREATE – The many avenues of artistic imagination, in South Korea

People, raw materials, accessories and tools for South Korean creativity The canon of beauty that concerns the human being collects the most desirable characteristics of physical beauty; yet, it has expressed itself in various forms in history and in artistic expressions. The Korean ideal of beauty connected to white and glowing skin contributes to social success. Contemplating Korean beauty and …

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AUTHOR TRAVELS: THE PHILIPPINES – Inspire tourism “on the road”, with creative spaces by local artists

To be creative traveler: Philippines art You can call it whatever you want – the productive capacity of the imagination, creative talent or inventiveness – yet, in any continent, creativity has the same ability to take root, grow, mature and define the identifying profile of an entire human community. This is also, what happens in the Philippines, where by …

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WHERE YOU LEARN A NEW KIND OF THING – Melbourne, to discover creative minds

Stay in touch with something unusual There are many ways to tune in to the beauty of a place, but the way of implementation guaranteed by more possibilities passes exclusively through the memories of those who have already been there. So, as always dealing with the theme connected to an author’s journey, our invitation is to let yourself be advised …

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AUTHOR’S TRIP IN PENNSYLVANIA – An itinerary where the fantastic meets the unusual and the magical

When creative people frame the story of a journey Welcome to our new “author’s journey”, something original that will help you discover the places through the eyes of those who by birth or by vocation know them very well. Located in the northeastern United States, this region boasts great lakes, mountain ranges, and a scenic stretch of the coast of …

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QUOD TU ES EGO FUI. QUOD EGO SUM ET TU ERIS – What you are, I too was, what I am, you too will be

Monitor everyone, without respite and distraction, far from contagion This is an Author’s journey set in Italy, with a time horizon ranging from 1348 to 2021. The whole itinerary is focus on pandemics over the centuries, and on their ability to influence the mental and geographical views of vast territories. It will be a special Author’s journey, which will cross …

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INDIVIDUALITY AND CREATIVITY – Generating artistic innovations in Japan

Domain-specificity of creativity and Japanese people In their country, a flower represents the fragility and beauty of life. In Japanese culture, the meaning of the cherry blossom tree dates back to ancient times. As you begin your trip to Japan, it is advisable never to forget, under any circumstances, that life can be wonderfully beautiful, but also short. It …

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WHERE SKIN EMITTE A CARAMEL CREATIVITY – You cannot bring a Filipino journey to life, without losing something substantial

Traveling where it pays to be interested in what did not happen The average temperature in the Philippines is 86degreesF (30degreesC). Being an archipelago, its offers countless adventures to experience and activities to do. Some parts of the country such are warm and comfortable in all seasons and can be visit throughout the year. As different bodies of water …

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