THE EYES THAT KNOW SO WELL THE LIGHT – Giovanni Segantini and the Pointillism of late nineteenth century

2post.1GIOVANNI SEGANTINI 1/3 – Looking at the works of Segantini, always immersed in intense atmospheres and quiet, even today we can see that man – an Italian painter who lived in the late nineteenth century – that split the mountains, an artist who felt the power of nature. He is considered among the best painters of the Italian pointillist current (a painting technique, which consists in approaching the pure colors, applying them to the canvas in small isolated areas), even if only in the years of a short life, he has been able to collect spirituality that permeated the nature around him. The rural life of the men who are working in the fields, pastures, shearing and spinning, become the favorite themes of his painting.8post.2

GIOVANNI SEGANTINI 2/3 – His pointillist technique gathered subjects that nature offered, with long, light strokes, in large landscaped horizons. He was born in one day in January 1858, but soon left without parents, he lives in misery and without affection, to be arrested at the age of 12 years. At the age of 18, Segantini, he starts living in Milan, becoming an apprentice in the workshop of a decorator (but in the evening, for nearly three years, he attended the Brera Academy courses), and came up with his first paintings.17post.3

GIOVANNI SEGANTINI 3/3 – In 1880, he knows Bice, his partner for life, the mother of his four children. Giovanni Segantini was fortunate to meet Vittore Grubicy (painter and art dealer), who understands the talent of Giovanni, and became his guide in the art world. Giovanni dies in a day in September 1899, and his wife remembers him with touching words: “In art had not yet said his last word. It would perhaps be transformed again, finding himself entirely, if death had not shut those eyes, who knew so well the light.”

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