A travel story that has something special. Every travel tale has something special. Traveling the world allows you not only to see the most historical important sites or the worlds best food. Also visiting Kybartai, never forget, as he had say Gustav Flaubert, that travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. It …
Read More »EIGHTEEN CENTURY ATMOSPHERE, BETWEEN CARPENTRAS AND VALENCIENNES – Among places of art and natural beauty, a magnificent “author’s journey” through France.
A journey into eighteenth century, based on the idea of delicacy and sensorial homogenization. From south to north, with a slight detour to the east, the best way to give you some memories is to move by car. Rich in places of art and natural beauties, France offers you the chance to create a splendid “journey of author”. Only in …
Read More »MEETING INDIAN PEOPLE, GREAT BY CREATIVITY – Travel India, where man is great by deeds, not by birth.
Moving through conch shell carving, Kalighat paintings and Bengali saree. This was once a prosperous kingdom. It is here that Meerabai (the poetess and most famous devotee of Lord Krishna), was born. Merta is famous for the Charbuja Temple (located in the city centre). Also the mosque alongwith the other Hindu shrines form an important tourist attraction. In this land, …
Read More »AS IF THEY WERE AGAIN BETWEEN US – Shades of American creativity, from Cincinnati to Rockland.
“Author’s trip,” memory that surrounds our lives. Have you decided where to go to sleep? Try Kirkwood Inn, http://www.kirkwoodinn.com/ a romantic motel with a complimentary breakfast and an outdoor pool. In this town you can find a large community of working artists Cincinnati Opera and a variety of theaters. From its 18th-century beginnings, music was a Cincinnati social and civilizing …
Read More »INNER LANDSCAPES – French places of creativity
WITH FRENCH PEOPLE You’re an expert of the finest cuisine, or simply a lover of good food, seduced by the variety of flavors of our art tour in France, together four people who were born here. The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread …
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