Tag Archives: POEMS


Without poem it you can do nothing and you are nothing The story behind the name Meeting Benches is fascinating and full of meaning. Imagine any place, a park or a square, where the benches act as a meeting point for people; they are silent witnesses of chance encounters, deep conversations, love stories and moments of reflection. Imagine sitting on …

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Made not to suffer, but to shine with their uniqueness Feminine poetry is a hymn to the beauty, resilience and power of women. Here are some short poems that celebrate the femininity and strength of women, starting from one by William Shakespeare, STANDING, GENTLEMEN, BEFORE A WOMAN: For all the violence committed on her, for all the humiliations she has …

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The art that does not seek followers, seeks lovers of words Meeting Benches https://meetingbenches.com/ transcends the physical session, inviting you to explore art, culture and creativity around the world, without horizons. Through this digital platform, artists, thinkers and dreamers converge, sharing their visions and inspiring each other. Thus, if the history of traditional benches spans centuries, that of Meeting Benches …

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KEEP CLIMBING FROM HERE, WITH POETRY – Trapeta Mayson and her musical experience spoken and sung

Take poetry a step further as a softball-themed metaphor She is the author of two self-published poetry collections, Mocha Melodies and She Was Once Herself. She was born in Liberia in 1967; she immigrated to the United States, where she grew up in Philadelphia. For her ability to balance poetic writing with participation in the urban social network, under the …

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A LINK BETWEEN ITALIAN AND SPANISH POETRY – Slowly but not too much, together with Inma J. Ferrero

If poetry makes us aware of what surrounds us Because of her ability to grasp everything in detail, this poet cultivates a great passion for haiku. Inma J. Ferrero was born in Madrid in 1977. Poet, literary critic and founder of the cultural magazine Proverso, she is a member, among other things, of Novelados, Red writers and Yo soy poeta, …

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A HALLUCINATED AND GROTTOQUE DIALECT – Delio Téssa, lawyer, journalist and poet

Write in dialect, when the language cannot provide sounds to express you To understand his way of combining poetry and humor, one sentence from him is enough: “In Milan there is still a tram that costs ten cents, but so cheap that it never comes.” His personality was dominate by total distrust of men, as well as by the loss …

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VISIONARY MASTERPIECES, AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD – Chimako Tada, a sweetly flexible and beautiful language

Write on the outskirts of life, in relative isolation. Author of over 15 poetry books, Chimako Tada https://poets.org/poet/tada-chimako was a poet famous for her surreal style. She translated prose and poetry from French, documenting with words the female experience in the period following the end of the Second World War. Her Japanese translation of Yourcenar’s Memoires d’Hadrien was publish with …

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A FREE WOMAN, MASTER OF THE HEART OF A VERY POWERFUL MAN – Caterina Dolfin: The human alliance that becomes the center of ferment in Venice

Freedom of women and  restlessness of patricians They were dedicated to cultivating the conversation, often appreciated for their beauty, but all those noblewomen were also united by the identical desire to get out of the female stereotypes of their time. In Venice, many of them started literary circles https://ohiostatepress.org/books/titles/9780814213711.html. Among them, Giustina Renier Michiel, Marina Querini Benzon and Caterina Dolfin …

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THE FIRST POET OF ITALIAN LITERATURE – Francesco, the poor man of Assisi

The canticle of the Creatures Who at least has not imagined breaking with ordinary life, imagining spending the rest of their days in a remote place, where to separate the superfluous from the essential? Forbes has compiled the ranking of the most remote places on our planet. There are also in Italy with places to find peace, in Tuscany, Umbria …

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WRITING LONGHAND, GOING BACK TO THE SOURCE – Ivy Alvarez: A prolific writer that has had her work featured in various publications in Australia, England, Philippines and online.

To begin with, write in notebook, then transcribe to computer. Welcome to 123 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City. They are the only bookstore in Manila that focuses on Philippine art, you offering a platform to generate cultural awareness. Artbooks https://artbooks.ph/is a new independent bookstore run by a company of artists dedicated to documenting and promoting Philippine art and culture. A selection …

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