MAKING WOMEN FEEL BEAUTIFUL, PRINCESSES OR OSCAR-WINNING – Carla Zampatti and her timeless but also trendy collections

What a woman wears must express her individuality and style The Sydney Opera House was under construction when she launched her own fashion brand. Born in Italy in 1942, Carla Zampatti settled with her family in Fremantle and Bullfinch. In 1965, she produced her first collection, followed five years later by the founding of Carla Zampatti Limited. Her clothes …

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THE OPEN REPRESENTATION OF SEXUALITY AND FEMALE FORCE – Dorothy Hewett, an aspiring writer during World War II

When poetic vocation grows between sheep and wheat, southeast of Perth Bobbin Up, her first novel published in 1959 and based on her experiences working in a spinning mill; it was even translated into Russian and hailed as an example of social realist fiction. When Dorothy Hewett was born in Perth (Western Australia) on a May day in 1923, …

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I AM WOMAN – Elena Reddy, the pop queen of the 70s

When a song becomes the soundtrack of an era Due to her parents’ constant tours, at the age of 12 she moved in with her aunt, who gave her stability in addition, determination for her possible career as a singer. Born in Melbourne in October 1941, Helen Reddy won a TV competition for singing talent that allowed her to …

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FROM CARTOONIST TO MASTER OF FIGURATIVE ARTS – Carlos Orozco Romero, from Centro Bohemio in Guadalajara to international art exhibitions

Not only cartoonist, but also muralist, portraitist and landscape painter He began his artistic career by creating cartoons for publications for newspapers in Guadalajara and Mexico City, where his cartoons were also publish in La Sátira, Excélsior and El Universal. His first teacher influenced him in the creation of satirical cartoons, nudes and portraits. He is part of a generation …

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THE HYBRID AESTHETICISM OF A PHOTOGRAPHER, RIDING THE RIO GRANDE – Rubén Ortiz Torres, Mexican visual artist who draws on Zapata, Disney and punk culture

Expressions of art, between tropics’s utopia and complexities of the present Through sporting images and portraits of Mexican heroes, his work draws on visual sources concerning two nations. Born in 1964 in Mexico City, the Mexican photographer, painter and director Rubén Ortiz Torres created, among other things, a video installation entitled Alien Toy, included in the 1997 show InSite in …

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NEW STYLES OF CLOTHING AND TRADITIONAL EMBROIDERY TECHNIQUES – Mi Golondrina, the identity and culture of people through clothes

The power of traditions, even in clothes The peculiarity of his way of proposing elegance in bohemian dress is the dictulity with which each of his clothing items can be combine with jeans or a long skirt, or with a blazer. Collaborating with multiple communities of artisans, including San Juan de Chamula, Santa Maria Tlahuitoltepec and San Juan Colorado, Mi …

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THE LOOK THAT PLACES ON MADNESS, MANIE AND DEVIATIONS – Guadalupe Nettel and the sharpness of referring us to our own obsessions

Between destiny and free will, collecting what we have to live The body in which I was born, is a book in which Guadalupe Nettel relives with the mind a succession of events inherent to her own youth, between Mexico and France, confronting some utopias of the 70s. In the pages of this novel by her, perhaps you …

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SONGS THAT COME FROM THE HEART – Consuelo Velazquez, in the Olympus of the romantic musical composers

A photogenic musical composer in Hollywood Her name is among the ten Mexican composers who have left the most royalties. Born in Ciudad Guzmán in the summer of 1916, Consuelo Velázquez very early began to demonstrate an aptitude for melody. In fact, at the age of four, her uncle had given her a small piano, from which she naturally …

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THE ARTIST WHO PAINTED BEHIND THE BARS – Sofia Bassi, an unsettling and authentic artist

Writer and painter, with five years in prison For Sofia Bassi, art was an elixir, a regenerating vevanda that she would have liked to drink forever. For some art critic of her her kind of work was akin to some form of magical impression, however, for many people, she is a surrealist painter, even in painting landscapes representing lost …

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WHERE GEOGRAPHY DAZZLES IMAGINATION – New England on the go, among creative people and brilliant attitudes

Nothing that you cannot accomplish What was an artistic and literary movement of the twentieth century, born in Paris and involving all the arts, was born from the need to express creatively an invisible and irrational reality. Surrealism, in fact, fueled the interest of the poet André Breton and the writer Guillaume Apollinairee, as well as the interpretation of Sigmund …

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YOKEL AND HOKUM: WINNING COMBINATION YOKUM – Al Capp and the way the world viewed the American South

A winning cartoonist, between Li’l Abner Yokum and Pappy Yokum Created by artist Jon P. Mooers in 2010, a life-size mural commemorates the centenary of Al Capp‘s birth Nevertheless, that is not all. Since his death in 1979, his work has been the subject of over 40 books. In early 1932, he produced advertising strips, living in Greenwich Village, and …

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THE MAN WHO PHOTOGRAPHS THE SOUL OF POWER – Platon Antoniou and the photographic art of mental sharpness

When a portrait defines who you are photographing He has exhibited his portraits in the most famous photo galleries in the world, worked for a periodical of American politics and culture, shooting portraits for many newspapers, even winning the first prize of the World Press Photo Contest 2008 Living part of the system in New York, he too used …

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AN HARTFORD’S FASHION DESIGNER IN MUSEUM – In my bag, you define luxury (Travis Dimeer Terry)

Using a mom as a model He likes to see his customers’ reactions on social media. His brand sells bags and clothing online. Since 2000, in Hartford (Connecticut), a luxury brand created by Travis Dimeer Terry has established its own way of doing fashion. His creative motivation was to create a minimalist label with products with a unique and …

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