THE UNEXPECTED PURITY OF AN IMPENETRABLE ATTRACTION – Maria Luisa Spaziani subdued discursive verses, in the hell of indifference

Writing is living and vice versa

Maria Luisa Spaziani was one of the most fascinating literary figures of the Italian twentieth century, Poetess, translator of Proust and great friend of Eugenio Montale. His poetic season began in 1954, with the poetic collection L’acqua del Sabato, published by Mondadori. Graduated in Languages, she frequently stayed in Paris, the polar star of her imagination. An inspiring figure for Eugenio Montale, theater author, writer of prose and short stories, she also published a poem about Joan of Arc.

Shortly before her death, Virginia Woolf sent her a chapter of the novel The Waves with an autographed dedication. Maria Luisa Spaziani born in 1924 in Turin, lived in Messina, Milan and Paris before settling in Rome. Collaborating with Vasco Pratolini, Sandro Penna and Vincenzo Ciaffi, at the age of only nineteen, she founded the magazine Il dado. She met Leonardo Sinisgalli and Ezra Pound, creating a lasting intellectual and emotional union with Eugenio Montale. Writing is living and vice versa. This is what you can perceive by reading her poems.

He taught French language in a boarding school in Turin, dedicating to that experience the poetry Suite per A. with which he won the Lerici 1958 Prize. Teaching French language and literature at the University of Messina, Maria Luisa Spaziani created short stories and plays, as well as works of literary criticism. Among the poetic collections of that period, The eye of the cyclone of 1970, Transit with chains of 1977 and Geometry of disorder in 1981.

AND HE WILL WAIT FOR ME IN THE HYPERTIME – And he will wait for me in hyper time, smiling and punctual, with greetings and stories that will seem incredible to the poor ears of the arrival. But will he recognize what I tell him? In a few notes or verses, I collect the essential messages here. Another ray, different air will translate them to him.

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