February 15, 2025 6:34 pm

CALCULATED FRAMES AND SHAPES OF COMPOSITION – Fulvio Roiter, a life as a photographer

Characters and objects in rectangular formats

On this trip, we also suggest you exercise your olfactory memory, because Venetian gastronomy is a succession of aromas and flavors that deserve to be tasted, such as the risi e bisi, the dish of the Doges. In Venice, the Osteria La Zucca http://www.lazucca.it/en, has a door on the shore that allows customers to also arrive by boat. Located at the foot of a bridge, the small restaurant offers you the opportunity to choose the baked pumpkin flan with potatoes and broccoli with smoked ricotta. Before eating, take a picture of him, but before leaving the city do not forget to buy a photo book by Fulvio Roiter.

Coming from the school of neorealist photography, he developed his narrative power by inventing a rectangular format, placing characters and objects of everyday life in it. Expert in black and white photography, he used a technique in color that exalted places and details of the scene. Born in Meolo (Venice) on a day in November 1926, from 1947 Fulvio Roiter https://fr-fr.facebook.com/fondazionefulvioroiter/ devoted himself to photography, which became his professional activity since 1953. Appreciated for having produced several photographic books, he rose to the international limelight for images concerning Venice, from which Essere Venezia, a 1977 photo book.

In his photographic method, the essentiality of black and white prevailed over color. His photographic method consisted of participating in the event with sensitivity and tension. In 1949, he joined the photographic club La Gondola in Venice, leaving four years later for Sicily, his first photographic journey. After making numerous reports for some magazines, Fulvio Roiter http://www.treoci.org/index.php/it/2013-02-05-10-08-35/archivio-mostre/item/286-fulvio-roiter-fotografie-1948-2007 published his first photographic book, Venise à fleur d’eau in 1954. Two years later, he won the Nadar Prize, with the black and white photo book on Umbria.

During his career, Fulvio Roiter https://www.amazon.it/Magic-Venice-Carnival-italiana-inglese/dp/8872000688/ref=sr_1_3?qid=1580662425&refinements=p_27%3AFulvio+Roiter&s=books&sr=1-3 has published about a hundred volumes of photographs, traveling all over the world, but his international consecration was achieved with the book Being Venice (printed in four languages), a best seller for publishing photographic. He represented an exception in the Italian photographic landscape of the twentieth century, for technique, style and rigor. In April 2016, he died in Venice. To preserve and promote the father’s artistic heritage, his daughter Jessica decided to establish the Fulvio Roiter Foundation, to spread and promote the works of a life as a photographer

If you want to know photographic stories already published, you can type http://meetingbenches.com/category/photo/. The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. The only purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works.


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