February 15, 2025 8:34 am

OBSERVING WORLD WITH DIFFERENT EYES – Author’s Travel around Renè Magritte’s sites

With decision to visit Belgium, http://www.belgium-tourism.be/ memorize the beauty of some paintings by Renè Magritte and listens to a musical selection by Jacques Brel, or read a novel by Nathalie Gassel and a poetic selection of Émile Verhaeren, because valorizing the language (and the culture) means to enhance human creativity in all its expressive shades, as the completion of the creative horizon, which defines the culture of the nation.

RENE’ MAGRITTE was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images. He created a style centered on the use of trompe l’oeil, a kind of painting, in which the concreteness of representation generates the illusion of reality. After classical studies, he joined the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. Popular interest in Magritte’s work rose considerably in the 1960s, and his imagery has influenced pop, minimalist and conceptual art. The house, where an extraordinary artist had worked almost 24 years of his life is now the museum. On the ground floor, the René Magritte Home Museum http://www.magrittemuseum.be/en/00_home_en.php presents the apartment, where the painter lived, while his biographical exhibition is spread over two other floors of the house.

JACQUES BREL was born in Brussels in 1929. Because of the poor results in the studies, he began working at his father’s factory. In Brussels, he proposed several cabaret performances, and in 1953 his first record. Although he recorded most of his songs in French and occasionally in Dutch, he became an influence on English-speaking songwriters and performers such as David Bowie.

She was born in Brussels in 1964. Writer, athlete and photographer, NATHALIE GASSEL has exposed her athlete’s life in a book that celebrates the wonders of the body and the power it exercises. Eros Androgyne, is an odyssey to the inner being, that of a young athletic woman who cuts off her libido, sublimating her body. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCceO1xLfy0 In the southwest of the province of Antwerp, you can visit Sint-Amands https://www.belgium.be/nl/contactinfo_en_sites/Gemeenten/sint-amands where Schelde determines the city’s boundary. EMILE VERHAEREN – a poet who wrote in French was bor in this town and his house is a museum dedicated to him http://www.emileverhaeren.be/fr A collector of art commissioned Renè Magritte something special, the artwork “Le Domaine enchanté“. Guests over 21 years of age are welcome to the Grand Casino in Knokke Heist https://www.grandcasinoknokke.be/en/

             This casino is a great place to spend an evening with your friends, enjoying delicious starters, a drink, or the Mascot Restaurant, but you also have opportunity to visit the Candle Bar Hall, where Le Domaine Enchanté is kept.

Knokke Heist’s former school was recently restored. The structure has developed as a place for an extraordinary museum. The For Freedom Museum http://www.forfreedommuseumus.be/en makes you know about World War II in a more engaging way than many other museums.

The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works. To pursue this issue, you can digit: http://meetingbenches.com/2017/08/travelling-belgium-around-rene-magritte/



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