January 26, 2025 3:54 am

BETWEEN FUTURISMO AND METAPHYSIC – The extraordinary creative journey of Primo Conti

3.3.post.1PRIMO CONTI 1/3 – 1911 is the year of his artistic debut, along with the youth studies on the human figure, the precocious interest for the Fauve art, a prelude to the brilliant futurist. He has been able to receive the most alive and fruitful moods of Futurism, creating a fresh paint and filled with poetry. Always ready to question the cnons of expression, he anticipated the artistic and literary spirit of his time, by the post-impressionist influences to those Futurist, up to Metaphysics.8.8.post.2

PRIMO CONTI 2/3 – At the dawn of the twentieth century, his creative arc sees the growth of a child prodigy. In 1914 he is suffering from peritonitis, and is almost at death’s door. Transported to Florence, it is cured and can continue to paint. In 1919 his futurism welcomes traces of metaphysics, painting still lifes and portraits characterized by an original and highly personal plasticity. The meeting with De Chirico coincides with its maturation. From 1926 to 1930, he is in Viareggio, where he met Munda, whom he married in ’28. These are the years in which he indulges in a worldly existence.logo Meeting Benches

PRIMO CONTI 3/3 – The purpose to which he has dedicated a lot of energy, the establishment of a documentation center on stories vanguards, culminated in the birth of Primo Conti Foundation. The artist donates to the municipalities of Fiesole and Florence his villa Fiesole (and most of its historical and recent works), together with the documents collected on the vanguard. His is a metaphysical view all aimed to a dream world, where history filters the observed reality, returning unpublished visions timeless. You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for http://meetingbenches.com/2016/08/primo-conti-19001988-italian-painter-the-illuminated-color-craftsmanship/


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