September 12, 2024 11:14 am

THE INTROSPECTIVE PAINTING OF ZORAN MUSIC – Painting to listen, made of emotional nuances, memory and emotion

1POST.2ZORAN MUSIC 1/4 – He – the painter of small horses, the man who assimilate Italian, Slavic and German cultures – was born in a winter day in a small Slovenian village. He attended the Academy of Art in Zagreb. He travels a lot, until the landing most of his life, the one with the woman who will be his wife and source of creative inspiration.

ZORAN MUSIC 2/4 – During World War II, he knows the horrors of the concentration camp of Dachau, living in a daily landscape of dead and dying in listless waiting. He will have to wait nearly a decade before returning to the creative serenity full of landscapes (a new phase of his long life, in his studio in Venice).4POST.1

ZORAN MUSIC 3/4 – He relishes the abstract artistic stimulations in Paris, returning to Venice, to create so no more three-dimensional. Paper drawings, pastels, watercolors and oils; naked human and Tuscan hills, landscapes of Dalmatia and Venice.

9POST.3ZORAN MUSIC 4/4 – Looking at what he has given to all of us, perhaps you too will have a curious feeling: that of listening a mysterious wind, in his paintings, sweet music made beauty. You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for: ZORAN MUSIC (1909/2005), SLOVENE PAINTER – To know himself so well, to be able to describe itself inside, even by painting horses


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