March 18, 2025 4:40 am
Breaking News
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RAINER MARIA RILKE: To be loved is to pass, but love is last

HOW COULD I: “How could I hold it in me, my soul, that your material does not touch; as you remove it over, ad infinitum? I could hide it in a remote corner in the darkness; a stranger quiet refuge, which is not followed to vibrate if it vibrates your deep. But everything that touches us, you and me, together, …

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THE LOCKS OF GABCIKOVO: The Ocean’s Green West Slovakia, where seven-tenths of what you are, can you find the three-tenths of what you’re looking for

A lone Vespa enthusiast, off Ocean Green Western Slovakia, has lost any reference point and can not find the way to Gabcikovo. Lost in the banks of the Danube, he experiences the special character of that expanse of grass, hay and water that surrounds it, but it changes its perceptions, visual and emotional, which are beyond its control. Start a …

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LOOKING WITH THE HEART: People have to endure caterpillars if you want to know the butterflies: it seems that they are so beautiful

Flying in the sky you can only imagine fairy-tale happy with downcast eyes looking at clouds and landscapes, along with the memory of the great passions of your life. The ultimate experience of this kind, was the one that I tried on my last flight from Ponta Delgada – Azores Islands – Canada. During the trip I made ​​friends with …

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NOSTALGIA OF SARDINIA: Who has seen it will never forget it, that’s why it is useful to browse some buying opportunities in real estate

As I promised, here is a brief summary of the possibility of buying a house in Sardinia. This time, I want to express my personal opinions among the various options, letting you curious to imagine what you want, on the beautiful island nestled in the center of the western Mediterranean Sea. I also added the ability to purchase a timeshare …

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FRIDA KAHLO: Writes with brushes, coloring her own life until the end

Writes with brushes. Yes, she was a special woman, but also extremely unlucky, a Mexican woman-painter who lived boldly and had many physical problems – even few days before her death – she had screamed inside one of her paintings, with the complexity of the colors, her “live life.” The century of Frida Kahlo, what is behind us, has experienced …

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