WITH ALTERNATE KEY: Poetry, by Paul Celan
WITH ALTERNATE KEY With alternate key, you schiudi the house where the snow whirls of things left unsaid. Depending on the blood that oozes from eye, mouth and ear, varying your key. Vary your key, you change the word which is granted twirl slap. Depending on the wind that pushes you away, it coagulates around the word, the snow. (Paul …
Read More »THE DISAPPEARED: Poetry, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
THE DISAPPEARED The disappeared as the earth swallowed them up, was the air? As the shores of the sea innumerable; however, lay not in the arena, but in anything, ranks forgotten. And often hand to hand, as the minutes of us closer together, but no memory, not registered, not decipherable in the dust but disappeared, their names, the spoons, the …
Read More »CHERRIES: Poetry, by Günter Grass
CHERRIES When love on stilts, teases the gravel paths, and up to the trees arrive, I’d love to recognize I cherries as cherries, not shorter arms, using stairs which always missing some peg, live cascaticcia fruit, stewed fruit . Sweet and sweeter, almost black; blackbirds make dreams so red. Who gives kisses and who, when the love on stilts, to …
Read More »Franz Marc (1880/1916), German painter: Traces of Van Gogh in his expressionism, in portraits and landscapes.
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka (1853/1919), Hungarian painter: The lure of a sunny afternoon, the journey in the colors of an eccentric man
PERSPECTIVE FROM TWO POINTS: Poetry, by Wislawa Szymborska
PERSPECTIVE FROM TWO POINTS Have crossed as strangers, without a word or a gesture, she directed to the store, he to his car. Perhaps you lost, or distracted, or forgetful that he had, for a brief moment, cherished forever. Besides, no guarantee that they would. Yes, perhaps, from a distance, but up close anything at all. I saw them from …
Read More »WOJCIECH WEISS (1875/1950), POLISH PAINTER: Shades of Expressionism, Art Nouveau and Colourism
NIKOLAOS GYZIS (1842/1901), GREEK PAINTER: Shades of everyday life, colorful allegories around the world living
BACK OFTEN AND TAKE ME: Poetry, by Konstantinos Kavafis
BACK OFTEN AND TAKE ME Return often and take me. Back and get me, or feel loved, if the memory of the body awakens, and the old pang passes into the blood, then the lips and skin from rising, and yet it seems that the hands touch. Return often and take me at night, then the lips and …
Read More »WHEN YOU SET OUT FOR ITHACA: Poetry, by Konstantinos Kavafis
WHEN YOU SET OUT FOR ITHACA When you set out for Ithaka, you hope your road is long, full of adventure, full of discovery. The Lestrigoni or Cyclops, the angry Neptune do not worry: it will not be this kind of meetings if your thoughts remain lofty, and a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body. Cyclops or Lestrigoni …
Read More »RENAISSANCE IN CENTRAL ITALY: 34 pictures. All that was is no longer, what would become was born here
RENAISSANCE IN CENTRAL ITALY: All that was is no longer, what would become was born here
In Tuscany, a region of central Italy, the Florentine art school starts – from 1300 to 1500 – new aesthetic, who gradually extend throughout the Italian peninsula. No more images hieratic and fixed, but the living reality, that of men and the countryside, becomes the new frame of expression for architects, painters and sculptors. Initially they dominated by religious themes, …
Read More »FREDERIC LEIGHTON (1830/1896), PAINTER ENGLISH: The elegance of the Victorian era, the suggestions of Ingres, Delacroix, Corot and Millet.
PRAYER: Poetry, by Kathleen Jamie
PRAYER Our baby’s heart, on the sixteen-week scan, was a fluttering bird, held in cupped hands. I thought of St Kevin, hands opened in prayer, and a bird of the hedgerow nesting there, and how he’d borne it, until the young had flown, and I prayed: this new heart must outlive my own. (Kathleen Jamie) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Findings-Kathleen-Jamie/dp/0954221745/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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