FANTASY – Poetry, by John Keats

FANTASY Leave always wandering the fantasy, the pleasure is always elsewhere: and is dissolved, only to touch, sweet, as bubbles when rain hits. Let her then wander, her, the winged, for thinking that front yet, in it extends. Opens you the door to the cage of the mind, and, you will see, it will launch flying into the sky. (John …

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Behind, just behind the Palazzo Pitti, we can observe the most beautiful among the gardens of the Italian Renaissance. The Boboli Gardens, gives you special flowers, but also particular works of art, such as the Cave of Buontalenti and the Fountain Ocean. This haven of peace, between the woods and green mazes, fountains and small lakes, also gives you the …

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HOLD TIGHT IS WHAT AS GOOD: Poetry, Native North Americans

HOLD TIGHT IS WHAT AS GOOD Hold onto what is good, although a handful of earth. Hold onto what you believe in, even if it is a solitary tree. Hold onto what you have to do, even if it’s far away from here. Keep close life, although it is easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, even when …

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GULL: Poetry of Du Fu

GULL On the bank of the river gull sings in the cold, no other places, just to himself. It refuses, reflects, down hostile jade honors, with wing feathers, chasing a desire for love, a spear, a puppy in exchange has snow and darkness and showers for bathing. The wind grows, rises to the center of the storm, where only a …

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ALL: Poetry of Wislawa Szymborska

ALL A word bold and swollen with self-importance. It should be written in quotes. He pretends not to miss anything, concentrate, include, contain and take. But it is only a scrap of storm. (Wislawa Szymborska)

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TIMELESS BOOKS: Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger

“If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like.” This novel was included by Time magazine list of the 100 best English novels written after 1923. Translated into all the major languages of the world, its theme of alienation and anguish …

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