Post modern surreal fantasies by VASKO TASKOVSKI – provoking spectators to think
VASKO TASKOVSKI 1/4 – He was born in 1937 in the village of Nižopole, Bitola in the southwestern part of the Macedonia (former Yugoslavia). As the first post-war generation of children, there were no books for primers in school in Macedonian language. Children learned more verbally and without a program. His first teacher was Slavjanka (a partisan), dressed in a …
Read More »CORNELIS VAN HAARLEM – Looking paintings at 16:9
HANS MEMLING 1/4 – He was a German painter who moved to Flanders, working in the tradition of Netherlandish painting. His portraits is special in many aspects: it shows the high quality and sense of detail, and the man is portrayed in front of a landscape (he was one of the first painters to add a background to his portraits). …
Read More »HANS MEMLING (1440/1494), GERMAN PAINTER – High-quality portraits, with landscapes in the background
A WOMAN FREE AND PROUD – Artemisia Gentileschi: to paint when women were denied access to schools and at work
ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI 1/4 – She was a Baroque-period painter, known for such works as “Susanna and the Elders” and “Judith Slaying Holofernes.” She lost her mother when she was 12 years old, and suffered another tragedy five years later (when she was raped by one of her father’s colleagues). She married a painter from Florence, but their union wasn’t …
Read More »ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI (1593/1652), ITALIAN PAINTER – A raped woman, an artist violently combative
THE WANDERER, POOR AND IMPROVIDENT PAINTER – Lorenzo Lotto, between portraits and historical scenes
LORENZO LOTTO 1/4 – His work appeals to a modern audience, particularly because of the way he identifies with his subjects. Well known for his perceptive portraits (and mystical paintings of religious subjects), he represents one of the best examples of the relationship between the Venetian and Central Italian schools. In the earlier years of his life, he lived …
Read More »LORENZO LOTTO (1480/1557), ITALIAN PAINTER – Perceptive portraits and mystical paintings
A SMALL HERITAGE, FULL OF LIGHT – Johannes Vermeer: new forms of capturing light
JOHANNES VERMEER 1/4 – Many of his works (as the portrait “Girl with a Pearl Earring”), have a luminous quality. Despite how much he is admired today, he left behind a small legacy (approximately 36 paintings have been officially attributed to him). Since his passing, his works have been hung in many museums. In his final Years, he struggled financially, …
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