HUGO URLACHER – vocation is a vital mission … In my case it is “being a painter”

HUGO URLACHER 1/5 – he was in 1958 in Buenos Aires,Argentina,  as a descendant of German and Spanish immigrants and still lives there. He began to paint in 1982, 24 years old. He was self-taught painter, searching for his own way of “being artist” for long time. It seems he has inherited the character of three cultures: the depth of …

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PATRICK KRAMER, AMERICAN PAINTER – Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings

PATRICK KRAMER 1/3 – He is a painter by profession (a perfectionist by nature). It’s no wonder he got drawn to realism, where everything need to be just right, in order for it to be convincing. He is a hyper realistic painter originally from Kaysville (Utah), the youngest child of German immigrants. Working from photos, he paint whatever captures his …

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NICOLA SIMBARI (1927-2012), ITALIAN PAINTER – one who paints boldly and in a state of excitement

          Note: The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors and to those who have given them. The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these painters and that other people enjoy their works.

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NICOLA SIMBARI – When I paint, I’m like a writer. I must have something to say.

NICOLA SIMBARI   1 / 4 – He was born in San Lucido, Calabria, Italy and this beautiful area greatly impacted his Mediterranean paintings: the blues of the ocean and sky, and the bright hues of the flowers. Though he was raised in Rome, where his father was an architect for the Vatican. At the age 13, he decided to study …

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Hard to believe that aren’t photographs

Hyperrealism is a genre of painting resembling a high-resolution photograph. Pictures created by hyper realist artists will not look different from a high resolution picture. The term is primarily applied to an independent art movement in the United States, that has developed since the early 1970s. Although art is meant to stress its detachment from the reality, hyperrealism erases this line, …

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EMANUELE DASCANIO, ITALIAN PAINTER – Hundreds hours drawing, using Renaissance Techniques

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MELANCHOLIC TENDERNESS IN PAINTING – JOE SORREN and his magical serenity of expression

JOE SORREN 1/3 – His brushstrokes are patient and fluid, but the pictures he loves are those of young people caught in instants of beauty. Unlike the majority of modern painters, he does not use computers, preferring a creative process that comes from the immediacy. He is one of the Pop Surrealism Californian leader. Looking at one of his paintings, …

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