JOHN LAVERY (1856/1941), IRISH PAINTER– Portraits and wartime depictions.

When works maintain a sketch-like quality. This is the city that inspired the Gulliver’s Travels. You’ll also find fascinating cultural escapes and literary inspirations. In Belfast, there are some of the coolest pubs, superb shopping (and enough eateries) to satisfy your tastes. Entering Titanic Public Art / The Masts, you can discover eight well-known Belfast-made ships (represented by spectacular sculptured …

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OSCAR DOMINGUEZ (1906/1957), SPANISH PAINTER – Despite his short career, he enjoyed much success.

A keen user of the painting technique decalcomania. Until the Kingdom of Castile’s conquest, the place where San Cristóbal de La Laguna is built belonged to the one of nine aboriginal Guanche kingdoms on the island. Recently, after a survey, La Laguna was listed as the city with the best reputation in the Canary Islands (third provincial capital city of …

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DIEGO VELAZQUEZ (1599/1660), SPANISH PAINTER – Using brushes with long bristles.

Becoming eternal, employing azurite and vermilion. The experience starts when you enter. Al Medina, in Seville, you’re in for a treat at this Moroccan/Arabian restaurant. The owner and his little helper make you feel so welcome, as if they have invited you into their own home. When you walk in to this quaint little restaurant, you remain mesmerized, experiencing …

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VICTOR BRAUNER (1903/1966), FRENCH PAINTER OF ROMANIAN ORIGIN – When each painting you make is projected from the deepest sources of your own anxiety.

Painting is life, the real life, my life. During your creative evening in the City of Light, feast your senses on the vibrant color of the iconic Moulin Rouge: take your seat in the theater, and prepare for a dazzling spectacle. In Paris, the National Museum of the Renaissance features a huge collection of artworks dating back to the 15th …

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JEAN COLOMBE (1430/1493), FRENCH PAINTER – One of the forerunners of the Fontainebleau school.

Painting delicate faces, with pronounced features. Its cathedral is an absolute wonder and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In hts crypt, you’ll can find the tomb of the Duke Jean de Berry (responsible for Bourges’ boom years, in the 1300s9. This enchanting medieval city, Bourges, was the capital of the historic Province of Berry. Live music fans? Here a special …

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LUCIAN FREUD (1922/2011), GERMAN PAINTER – Rejecting nothing to which you are naturally drawn.

When a painter must give a free rein to any feeling or sensations. Here, where a famous figurative artist was born, waiting for you the masterpieces Berlin Museum (one of these items it’s the Pergamon Alter frieze, which was discovered in 1886). Something special? The Bode Museum, is the home for art works of the Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance and …

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KURT SCHWITTERS (1887/1948), GERMAN PAINTER – I’m a painter, but I like nail my pictures together.

Realizing that machines are abstractions of the human spirit. In Hanover, Klein Kröpcke (Callinstraße 2), is the best place to start, if you are about to set out on a night of partying, but of course you will no longer be able to meet the artist who loved to illustrate metaphors of human activity by painting machines. In 1901, …

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GERTRUDE ABERCROMBIE (1909/1977), AMERICAN PAINTER – Painting incredible surrealist works in Chicago, until death.

Because it is always myself that I paint. Her parents were traveling opera singers, who happened to be in Austin (Texas), on the day of her birth. GERTRUDE ABERCROMBIE, born into a February day, was an painter based in Chicago, where she was involved in the jazz scene, becoming friends with musicians whose music inspired her own creative work. The family …

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DOROTHEA TANNING (1910/2012), AMERICAN PAINTER –You may be a woman and an artist; the one is a given and the other is you.

She was a loner, but Max was the only she needed. DOROTHEA TANNING was born and raised in Galesburg (Illinois), where attended public schools. After attending Knox College, she moved to Chicago and New Yok, where discovered Surrealism at the Museum of Modern Art’s. Then, the gallery owner Julien Levy introduced her to the circle of émigré Surrealists (including the …

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YANNIS TSAROUCHIS (1910/1989), GREEK PAINTER – Filling canvases with images of vulnerable men and few strong women.

Painter, set decorator and costume designer. Buy souvenirs? Head to Monastiraki district (just under the Acropolis, in Athens). You can wander around the flea market and buy original gifts for your friends. Visiting the Museum of the Yannis Tsarouchis Foundation, you can also buy a reproduction of some paintings by a Greek painter who was born in the port of …

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