January 3, 2025 6:59 am

38° 33’49″N 14° 50’16″E – AEOLIAN ISLANDS, SALINA: Capers, swordfish and bougainvillea, listening to the volcano

3.1At any time of the year – and for any reason you have – come to me, sniffing the fragrant basil, mint, breathing and drinking wine Malvasia. In qualsisi moment you arrive, you’ll find the Salina Island full of people, because his fishy sea is always smiling. Many people have bought a house on the island, because they needed time (a long time), to count the pebbles in the fantastic beach of Language. Among those people, there are those who have experienced something special (after embarking on a fishing boat), helping fishermen to unload fish and repair networks in the small port of Pollara. I will notice, even now it is hard for you, you will go home unless they are captured by the thrill of deep sea fishing. http://www.aeolianislandsvacations.com/2.1

Obviously, if you can not buy a house on the island, I suggest you add to your gallery of memories (and emotions), some concrete things: watch the color of the sky, from the church of Santa Marina; walking at least twice (in broad daylight, and in the evening), in the main street of Santa Marina; by Pollara beach, watch the sunset behind Alicudi. 5.1

For an unforgettable lunch, you can go to the “Trattoria Mamma Santina”, with a recommendation related to food: put the colors of the island in what you eat, even at home. Capers, basil and mint, tomatoes, lemons and grapes Malvasia. I hope you’ve slept well at the “Hotel Ariana”, because that ancient villa overlooking the sea is a small chest of the island.  http://www.aeolianislandsvacations.com/salina/index.php


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