February 26, 2025 4:37 am

UNEXPECTED AND PLEASANT DISCOVERIES, TRAVELING IN CHINA – When a book, a delightful restaurant or an intriguing painting transforms a journey into an experience.

Also sitting on a plane, next to a stranger who teaches you origami.

Sight is the capability of the eyes to detect images of visible light, generating electrical nerve impulses for varying colors. Some argue that the perception of depth (using both eyes), also constitutes a sense. Also your visual cortex of the brain (where images are recognized and interpreted), it’s based on previously learned information throught visual memory. The inability to see is called blindness. In much more large sense, travel into cultural blindness may result from your travels way style. When you decide to travel, do not forget that your brain system is responsible for sensations, thinking and reasoning. The greater the number of stimuli that a journey offers you, the more perceptive horizon of that nation will be.

Visual and tactile, olfactory, acoustic and artistic stimuli, contribute to the formation of travel memory, achievable not only by observing landscapes and eating exotic products, but also by reading a poem or novel, or listening to music and watching the paintings of creative people who are born (and have grown up) in the land you’ve decided to visit. The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works.

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