February 15, 2025 7:39 am


Men and women have written love poems, but also you can do. Do not write unnecessary words, be brave and express everything you feel for beloved person. If you give all of yourself, your poem will be more sincere. Write what you feel for that person, stating what happened when you saw that person for the first time. Write how you feel thinking about the future. Keep writing, without stopping to analyze what you already have written. Read again what you wrote, highlighting phrases and keywords that attract your attention.

Now, it is greatest time to write all this on another page, approaching each other the words, so that they make sense. In this draft you can remove your adverbs and excessive sentimentality, taking care to express yourself creatively. Finally, it’s time to read what you wrote! By reading, you can sign with a highlight the length of the pause time (going to head whenever you find the sign that indicates a pause).  You’ve discovered that poetry is based on the use of words to express emotions.

I LOVE THEE – Eliza Acton

Beauty and love are all my dream. They change not with the changing day. Love stays forever like a stream that flows but never flows away. And beauty is the bright sun-bow that blossoms on the spray that showers where the loud water falls below, making a wind among the flowers.

A NEW LIFE – Dante Alighieri

In that book which is my memory, on the first page that is the chapter when I first met you appear the words. Here begins a new life.


A BOOK OF VERSES – Omar Khayyam

A book of verses, underneath the bough, a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou beside me singing in the wilderness. Ah, wilderness were paradise now!

AGAIN AND AGAIN – Ranier Maria Rilke

Again and again, however we know the landscape of love, and the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names, fall: again and again the two of us walk out together under the ancient trees, lie down again and again among the flowers, face to face with the sky.

CONFESSION – Frantisek Halas

Touched by all that love is I draw closer toward you. Saddened by all that love is I run from you. Surprised by all that love is I remain alert in stillness. Hurt by all that love is I yearn for tenderness. Defeated by all that love is at the truthful mouth of the night. Forsaken by all that love is I will grow toward you.


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