October 13, 2024 3:23 pm


Whatever is the flight that brought you up to Bologna, to see an art exhibit or attend a conference, when you’re in town you will have some urgent things to do: find where to sleep and where to eat. The two urgencies, perhaps one will be undeferrable, because even your stomach seems to have woken up in the city where you eat well. The problem (for you and for your stomach), is that you do not know where to look for a good restaurant in the city that many call “the red and the learned” (red for political color, learned for its ancient university). http://www.bolognawelcome.com/en/ the.tortellini.cover.1Do not forget that starting from Emilian gastronomic tradition, your restaurant will have to have cauldrons where the sauce simmers, and anyone who works in that restaurant must have strong arms to carry out the “thin sheets of pasta”, so transparent that inside there you can see San Luca. Also the tortellini soup are made by those strong arms, and Daniel Minarelli – the patron of the Osteria Bottega, in the heart of Bologna – waiting for you, to tell you that the tortellini in capon broth is not the only dish to put in the experiences at least once in your life. Reading of that restaurant’s menu (or leaving you recommend), you will find that the Osteria Bottega has many tasty dishes of Emilian cuisine. Enjoy your meal. You can write the address: Osteria Bottega, Via S. Caterina, Bologna (Tel. +39 051.585111). http://www.bolognawelcome.com/en/restaurants/eating-in-bologna/search?search%5Bsearch%5D=osteria+bottega&search%5Bcusine%5D=&search%5Bprice%5D=&search%5Btipo%5D


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