September 28, 2024 3:08 pm


Fifty wonders of artistic creativity (born between 1450 and il1630). There Titian, Bellini and portraits by Tintoretto (but also visitation of Carpaccio). The valuable collection of the exhibition ‘Venetian Renaissance Paintings from the Accademia Gallery’, is in Japan. Until October 10 at the National Art Center in Tokyo (from October 22 to January 15 at the National Museum of Art …

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AUSTERLITZ AND THE PEACE MOUND – Follow Napoleon’s footsteps to Slavkov

There are many places in the Czech Republic that have played a role in the development of European history. One that you should not miss is Slavkov (just Brno). Not only will you find a splendid Baroque castle with beautiful gardens here, but also the setting of one of Europe’s most famous battles: Austerlitz. Take a trip, back in …

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THE LANDSCAPE – By Robert Desnos I had dreamt of loving. I go on loving but love is no longer that bouquet of lilacs and roses, charging the forest with their fragrance where a flame rests at the end of branchless pathways. I had dreamt of loving. I go on loving but love is no longer that storm whose lightning …

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Quena is the traditional flute of the Andes and the siku is a traditional Andean panpipe. Ocarina is a common instrument around the world, and in the Americas it dates from the time of the Incas (is used for festivals, rituals and ceremonies). Prior to the arrival of the European conquerors, the modern national borders that make up the …

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CHILE ADVENTURE TRAVEL – Hatacama: the Most Beautiful Starry Skies in the World

The Atacama Desert, is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre strip of land on the Pacific coast (west of the Andes mountains). It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. Under optimal conditions, up to 3,000 stars can be distinguished in the night sky. This unique advantage has allowed Chile to position itself as astronomical power. …

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INES OF MY SOUL – Romance by Isabel Allende

She is the niece of former Chilean president Salvador Allende. Isabel Allende is a Chilean author best known for penning novels in the style of magical realism. She born on August day, in 1942, in Peru. Allende’s novels are often based upon her personal experience and historical events and pay homage to the lives of women, while weaving together elements …

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The love poems in memory of the dead, Sonetos de la muerte (1914), made her known throughout Latin America, but her first great collection of poems, Despair, was not published until 1922. Gabriela Mistral played an important role in the educational systems of Mexico and Chile, was active in cultural committees of the League of Nations, and was Chilean consul …

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CHARMING FEMALE– Albert Lynch and the Belle Epoque time

ALBERT LYNCH 1/3 – He was born in 1851 in Peru, and settled in Paris (where he studied at l’École des Beaux-Arts), working under the guidance of painters Noël, Ferrier and Lehmann. He showed his artwork in the Salon in 1890 and 1892. ALBERT LYNCH 2/3 – He specialised in painting female subjects, to which he brought a charming …

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The Peru music is a fusion of sounds and styles drawing on Peru’s Andean, Spanish, and African roots. After hundreds years of cultural mixing, there have been created a broad musical landscape over Peru. The earliest printed polyphonic music in Peru, was “Hanacpachap cussicuinin,” composed by Juan Pérez Bocanegra and printed in 1631. Pre-Columbian Andean music was played on drums …

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PERUVIAN ANDES ADVENTURES – Huaraz: destinations for mountain & culture

Maybe you need to remember that address: Jr. José Olaya 532, Huaraz (Ancash, Peru). Maybe they need to know which treks or climbs you are interested in and how many days you would like to be trekking or climbing. For those not so keen to do multi day trekking trips, there are options for easy hiking and camping, day …

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