LIGHT OF MY LIFE, FIRE OF MY LOINS – Lolita, novel by Vladimir Nabokov

The novel is narrated by Humbert. The novel’s flamboyant style is characterized by double entendres, multilingual puns, anagrams, and coinages such as nymphet (word, which can be found in most dictionaries). Lolita, today it is regarded as one of the prime achievements in 20th century literature. The novel was adapted into a film by Stanley Kubrick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY0LrmKXsB8 and again by Adrian …

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He was a French poet who produced notable work as an essayist and art critic. His most famous work “The Flowers of Evil”, https://www.amazon.com/Flowers-Evil-Charles-Baudelaire/dp/1449555438 expresses the changing nature of beauty in modern, industrializing Paris during the 19th century, where the themes of sex and death, lesbianism, metamorphosis and depression, urban corruption, lost innocence and alcohol not only gained him loyal …

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I DIDN’T KILL MY HUSBAND – Novel by Liu Zhenyun

Many Chinese writers seek to make sense of China’s newly urbanized culture, but Liu Zhenyun seems to have his finger more firmly on the pulse of China’s cities. After graduating from university, he became a journalist at the Farmers Daily.He was born in Yanjin (Henan Province), in 1958. In 1973 he joined the People’s Liberation Army and spent years in …

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PERSUASION – Jane Austen Jane Austen, once compared her writing to painting on a little bit of ivory, 2 inches square. Readers of Persuasion will discover that neither her skill for delicate, ironic observations on social custom, love, and marriage nor her ability to apply a sharp focus lens to English manners and morals has deserted her in her final …

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CODEX SERAPHINIANUS – The strangest book in the world

The cover of the book is constantly being studied. An edition of this book, depicts a couple who, in the act of having sex, is transformed into a crocodile. Between 1976 and 1978 the Italian artist Luigi Serafini has made a special book, written and illustrated with over a thousand drawings. The Seraphinianus Codex is an absolutely original and surreal …

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CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERATURE – John Irving, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison

From the early 1970s to the present day, the most important literary movement has been postmodernism, and the flowering of literature by ethnic minority writers. It contains also an element of bizarre names. Contemporary American literature continues the pattern of fiction popularised in the 19th century (along with philosophical questions of 20th century). Toni Morrison (American recipient of the Nobel …

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DOCTOR ZHIVAGO – Romance, by Boris Pasternak

Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958, he could not go and collect it, because the return home would have been precluded. He died shortly after, in 1960. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXtFRl1nSs4 Boris Pasternak, the son of a painter and a pianist, after having completed studies in music, law and philosophy, he began his artistic activity in futuristic avant-garde. The beginning of …

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The epic poem, begins with the invocation to the Muse, where he presented the subject of the poem. The epic is the first form of narrative, and also constitutes a kind of encyclopedia of knowledge, in verse recounting the story of a glorious past adventures. It was transmitted orally from poet-singers, with musical accompaniment. An epic poem recounts the exploits …

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ORLANDO FURIOSO – The finest expression of the literary tendencies of the Italian Renaissance

Ludovico Ariosto was born in Italy, in 1474, Reggio Emilia (duchy of Modena). He was Italian poet, remembered for his epic poem Orlando furioso, the finest expression of the literary tendencies and spiritual attitudes of the Italian Renaissance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrCpiJL8YXE Upon its publication in 1516, Orlando furioso enjoyed immediate popularity throughout Europe. He showed an inclination toward poetry from an early …

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RENAISSANCE’S NOVELS – Where he developed a new way to read and conceive of themselves

Advice on historical novels? If historical novels are your passion, there is a period that can inspire many suggestions: the Renaissance and its extraordinary protagonists. Caravaggio and Leonardo, Raphael and Brunelleschi, Botticelli, Masaccio and Tiziano. That of Caravaggio – for example – has been an eventful and adventurous life lived intensely and relentlessly. He got the glory, gained the protection …

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