Meeting Bench


The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these painters and that other people enjoy their works.

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CARNIVAL TIME – Venice’s party colors in art paintings

It’s CARNIVAL TIME If you hear some discussion about carnivals in Europe, what would be your first association?  Most of us probably think of the annually Carnival in Venice. Today, this carnival is a huge celebration, that lasts for two weeks. While several events require invitations and have steep ticket prices, many others, like the candle-lit parade of boats, concerts, and street performances are …

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GEORGES COROMINAS  George Corominas is the son of a Spanish painter. He was born in 1945. After studying in Algeria at the National School of Fine Arts of Algiers, he returned to France in 1962, where his paintings were quickly noticed. He portrays personages that resemble nobility in wonderful and colorful landscapes. His paintings resemble tales, enchanting fables, that lead …

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ALEX LEVIN (1975), UKRAINIAN PAINTER – Venice through the mask’s eyes

ALEX LEVIN  He was born in 1975. His works are admired worldwide. Originally from Kiev, Ukraine, he has been displayed in numerous private, corporate and institutional collections in the U.S., Israel, France, Italy, Ukraine, Switzerland and Belgium. He has been acknowledged by many influential figures, including: Richard Gere, Madonna, jazz player Oscar Peterson, and former president of Israel. Alex Levin …

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JEAN CLAUDE CAMPANA, FRENCH ARTIST – the magic of Venetian carnival

JEAN CLAUDE CAMPANA He has been painting for the last thirty years. He started his career by exhibiting together with Baboulène, Buffet, Hilaire, Brayer. Strengthened by his expérience in surrealism, symbolism and realism, he has been devoted to Venice in a very personal style. The succession of glacis really captures the light, this way he creates theater scenes, where utopia and reality …

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 JEAN CLAUDE DESPLANQUES He was born in Normandy in 1936 and developed a passion for drawing from the age of eight years.  A former student of the School of Fine Arts, Jean Claude Desplanques has been devoted to painting since 1960. His mythical creatures, characters and sublime mystery take us to his pictorial fantastic universe. Note: The intellectual property of …

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HE WAS LIKE A LEAF – Umberto Saba and autobiographical poems

He was Italian poet, noted for his simple autobiographical poems. Umberto Saba was raised by his Jewish mother, after his father deserted them, when he was an infant. From age 17, he developed his interest in poetry. In November 1910 was published his first collection of poems. He established his reputation as a poet with the publication of “The …

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READING BEST ITALIAN NOVELS – The Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio

He was born in Paris (France) and died in Certaldo (Tuscany, Italy). He was the son of a Tuscan merchant (his mother was probably French). His father had no sympathy for Boccaccio’s literary inclinations and sent him to Naples to learn business. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313/1375) was Italian poet, best remembered as the author of The Decameron. He laid the …

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PAINTING DURING THE PLAGUE –Representation of Black Death time in art

Spreading from central Asia to Russia, this pestilence devastated Europe and left behind despair and sadness. Also the lives of all artist were experienced in its shadow, facing the danger that contagion could seize in their city. Thousands of painters and craftsmen perished during the mid 14th century, and the heart of the European world was torn open. That time, …

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Epidemics killed millions of people, when they periodically swept Europe and other parts of the world (the Black Death of the 14th century have killed 50 million people). They were buried in haste, possibly during plague epidemic. Workers who were digging, have stumbled on an ancient cemetery, which contains at least 60 skeletons. In Florence, has been discovered burial with …

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