February 14, 2025 11:24 am

THE ARMADILLO’S PROPHECY – The diversified graphic experiences of Zerocalcare

An individual story within a generational one of unease and uncertainty

The relationship with his friends is important, even if sometimes he has little time to dedicate to him. He even has his own comic blog, www.zerocalcare.it, where he publishes short stories with an autobiographical background. His lifestyle includes abstinence from the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Her stage name was born when she was inspire by the refrain of a TV commercial. Born in Cortona in 1983, and known under the pseudonym of Zerocalcare https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/zerocalcare-aka-michele-rech-italian.html, at the end of 2019, the Italian cartoonist Michele Rech sold more than a million copies of his books.

Born to a Roman father and a French mother, Zerocalcare https://www.ilcineocchio.it/cinema/esclusivo-intervista-a-zerocalcare/ attended the Lycée Chateaubriand in Rome, starting his career as a cartoonist even then. In 2001, he made a comic story about the G8 in Genoa, at Forte Prenestino he participated in the editions of Crack Comics Disruptive and began to make posters for concerts, record covers. In 2012, his blog won an award for best cartoonist-cartoonist, and it is in the same year that he published his second comic book: An octopus in the throat https://www.ibs.it/polpo-alla-gola-ediz-speciale-libro-zerocalcare/e/9788832732962, his first long form graphic novel, which has sold over one hundred and ten thousand copies.

He uses his energies to pursue socially demanding issues, regretting the short time for human relationships. After having collaborated with Radio Onda Rossa, starting from 2003 Zerocalcare https://www.amazon.it/profezia-dellarmadillo-Artist-Zerocalcare/dp/8865438533 began working as an illustrator for the newspaper Liberazione, the weekly Carta and the magazine Canemucco, also writing the webcomic Safe Inside for Zuda Comics. In 2017, he received the Colombe d’oro per la Pace award. In 2020, he publishes a series of animated shorts, Rebibbia Quarantine, broadcast on television. You can also follow him on the Twitter platform, by typing https://twitter.com/zerocalcare?lang=it.

In 2011, Zerocalcare https://www.gqitalia.it/show/article/strappare-lungo-i-bordi-zerocalcare-una-delle-migliori-serie-netflix-2021 publishes an autobiographical story entitled A.F.A.B. and, with great success his first comic book: The prophecy of the armadillo, a title due to a character often present in his stories. At the Lucca Comics & Games event in 2012, he won the Gran Guinigi award for the best short story. In 2013, he also collaborated on the screenplay for a live action film based on La profezia dell’armadillo. Rip along the Edges, on the other hand, is an animated series of his on Netflix in 2021. What he would like to do is learn traditional animation, cartoon frame to frame.

The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate their works. If you want to know some already published cartoonists, you can type https://meetingbenches.com/category/cartoonists/. The intellectual properties of the images appearing in this blog correspond to their authors.


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