September 12, 2024 5:10 am

WRITING ABOUT CHILDHOOD, LOVE AND LONELINESS – Gilles Archambault: A reader is a being who lacks imagination, because otherwise he would write himself his own fictions

Desperate humor, the fascination of passing time, the inevitable tenderness

Like other big cities, in Montreal are ethnic influences to be, but there is also a deep-rooted tradition of French-Canadian food, reflected into its restaurants. Its dishes and styles that evolved with Quebec. Le Mousso restaurant, it is focusing on displaying the ingredients the region has to offer. Its meaty tourtière or traditionally dessert pouding are two obvious dishes. Do not forget Quebec’s most famous dish, the poutine. Relax a little, while you wait, listening to the soft music of Tim Brady and reading a few pages of Gilles Archambault.

In 1963, he published his first novel, in which the disillusioned hero solves his problems through suicide. Novelist born at Montréal into September day 1933, Gilles Archambault received his BA from Collège Sainte-Marie in Montréal. He worked for Radio-Canada, before becoming a radio producer and commentator. Into his second novel (La Vie à trois), the novelist developed the difficulties of living with a partner. In 1972, he has also published Enfances lointaines. He continued the exploration of his personal individuality, writing about childhood, memory, love, aging and loneliness.

He won the Prix Athanase-David and the Prix Fleury-Mesplet for his body of work. We are upset, deprived of everything and above all of ourselves. Among the authors of the word, Gilles Archambault occupies a singular place in the speech that speaks of his vanity. As in the other books, even in the novel Le Voyageur distrait (The Distracted Traveler), Gilles Archambault surprises us at the point of abandonment that touches the human experience. This is what happens when you are forced to recognize that goals, actions, cannot satisfy your request.

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