February 12, 2025 12:40 pm

HE REMAIN A CANADIAN POET – Bliss William Carman

bliss-carman-1-1Bliss William Carman, was the great-grandson of United Empire Loyalists, who fled to Nova Scotia after the American Revolution, settling in New Brunswick. Born April 15, 1861 (in Fredericton, New Brunswick) and educated at Collegiate Grammar School, Fredericton, Bliss William Carman entered the University of New Brunswick, where he excelled in classics. Enrolled in Oxford University, he studied physics, mathematics and philosophy. In 1884, had his first poem published. In 1886 entered Harvard University, where was influenced by philosophers Josiah Royce and George Santayana. In 1893 published a poetry collection, winning international recognition. Under the tutelage of the woman who became a major love of his life (Mary Perry King), he drew on the theories of Delsarte, to develop a strategy of mind-body-spirit harmonization, aimed at undoing the physical and spiritual damage caused by urban modernity. He never attempted to secure his income, by novel writing or non-literary employment. He remained a poet, supplementing his art with critical commentaries on literary ideas and aesthetics. At the age of 68 he dead,  and was cremated in New Canaan. https://www.amazon.com/Windflower-poems-Bliss-Carman/dp/0919662072

10A SEA CHILD – Poem by Bliss Carman

The lover of child Marjory had one white hour of life brim full. Now the old nurse, the rocking sea, Hath him to lull. The daughter of child Marjory hath in her veins, to beat and run, the glad indomitable sea, the strong white sun.


20I LOVED THEE, ATTHIS, IN THE LONG AGO – Poem by Bliss Carman

I loved thee, Atthis, in the long ago, when the great oleanders were in flower in the broad herded meadows full of sun. And we would often at the fall of dusk wander together by the silver stream, when the soft grass-heads were all wet with dew, and purple-misted in the fading light. And joy I knew and sorrow at thy voice, and the superb magnificence of love. The loneliness that saddens solitude, and the sweet speech that makes it durable. The bitter longing and the keen desire, the sweet companionship through quiet days in the slow ample beauty of the world, and the unutterable glad release within the temple of the holy night. O Atthis, how I loved thee long ago, in that fair perished summer by the sea!

18IF DEATH BE GOOD – Poem by Bliss Carman

If death be good, why do the gods not die? If life be ill, why do the gods still live? If love be naught, why do the gods still love? If love be all, what should men do but love?


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