March 16, 2025 9:37 am
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logo Meeting BenchesEveryone loves to travel, but not everyone loves to travel the same way. All you have to do is have the time in your life. Meeting Benches. The way to make the world a better place is easy. Choose a bench, where you can publish what you have painted or written, a review of a book that you’ve read, or the story of a journey that you have made. Past and Present are here and now. Our proposal call any web-traveler to sit into Meeting Benches to share emotions, observing new creative horizons.parc1.1

From north to south of Alsace, Strasbourg to Mulhouse, through the Vosges mountains, live a unique experience, safely, within 3 adventure parks in Alsace. Natura Parc, in Ostwald, offers redesigned course. Re-discover an urban park, family and neighborhood. You can come by foot, scooter, bicycle or tram!

Parcours, workshops and zip up the universe of The Alsace Adventure Park, Breitenbach, continues his epic at the heart of the Massif du Champ du Feu: the Valley of the Zip Lines, Tower of the Extreme, the Paintball and its 10 golf breathtaking full Vosges mountains! In November 2006, a tower of 35 meters was built in the Alsace Adventure Park. On this round, many activities have emerged. The park is devoted to the trails to tree to tree with a wide range of activities over 9 hectares. Trails in the trees, from 2 to 25 meters high, the Valley of the Zip-lines. Paint ball adventure, park and mountain biking opportunities and coached activities for groups, which will enchant you.park3.1

The Parc Arbre Adventure, Kruth (formerly Parc d’Arbre en Arbre), develops with its new Via Ferrata and water activities on beautiful Lake Kruth-Wildenstein. The fun and trendy activity, Laser’Aventure, is comparable to a attivitàdi paintball. Laser’Aventure with no unwanted noise, no impact, no need to stock up on balls and no mandatory protection.


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