Tag Archives: Mario Vargas Llosa

BETWEEN INCAN MINIMALISM AND SPANISH BAROQUE – Traveling in Peru, happier than a cat in a fish market.

Think your sense of color; get it from a Peruvian journey. After our trip to Paraguay http://meetingbenches.com/2019/02/where-sometimes-going-backward-its-moving-forward-travel-paraguay-where-your-memory-remembers-words-without-forgets-what-is-behind-them/, our basket of memories will enriched with something new in Perù: To know the deep roots of this country, you need two things: a place to stay and an artist who talks about the connection between art and Peruvian nature. Once home to …

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NOT FEELING ALONE, CREATING SITUATIONS AND CHARACTERS – Blanca Varela: I think poetry directed to the other that you could be yourself.

When poet is a human being like everyone else. The El Señorio del Sulco restaurant https://www.senoriodesulco.com/, is famed for its repertoire of Peruvian coastal tradition, that blends Spanish and native influences. The city has inspired novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, is been home to the country’s most beloved Peruvian novelists and poets. Lima remains a great place to walk in that …

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