JOAO ZEFERINO DA COSTA (1840/1915) – Teacher of landscapes and nude figure painting, after its Rome permanence

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AI-MITSU (1907/1945) – Inside large eyes, shapeless forms

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PACITA ABAD – Tropical flowers and animal wildlife, shades of the Philippines

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FRANCESCO BASSANO THE YOUNGER (1549/1592): He moved to Venice, where he paint a series of pictures, Also in the Doge’s Palace

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BARTOLOMEO DI GIOVANNI (1458/1501): Painter of the Florentine Renaissance, with shades of realism, beside Ghirlandaio and Botticelli

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JEAN FRANS VAN DAEL, 19th-CENTURY PAINTERS: Flemish painter, in still lifes of flowers and fruit master

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Bartolomeo degli Erri (1447/1482), Gothic painter at Modena

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HEINRICH BRELING (1849/1914): The master of paintings of historical and genre scenes

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Domenico di Bartolo (1400/1445) – At Siena, he opens the doors of the Renaissance

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JEAN CAROLUS (1814/1875) – Master of figures set within interior scenes

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