RENATO GUTTUSO (1911-1987), ITALIAN PAINTER: landscapes and portraits of a man immensely lover of freedom

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BENEDETTO BONFIGLI (1420/1496) – ITALIAN PAINTER: Teacher of Perugino, its biggest masterpiece remain one series of frescoes at Perugia

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GIACOMO BALLA (1871/1958), ITALIAN PAINTER: The painter with shades of Futurism made of light, movement and speed

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BONIFACIO BEMBO (1420/1480), ITALIAN RENAISSANCE PAINTER: Shades of the Renaissance, on the faces and the tarot

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UGO ATTARDI (1923-2006), ITALIAN PAINTER: The expressionist that experienced a new and visionary relationship with reality

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PIETRO ANNIGONI (1910/1988), ITALIAN PAINTER: Influenced by the Italian Renaissance, became world famous after painting Queen Elizabeth II

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GENTILE BELLINI (1429/1507), ITALIAN RENAISSANCE PAINTER: In his own time he was considered among the greatest living painters in Venice

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PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973), XXth-CENTURY PAINTER: at twelve years old he knew how Raphael drawing, though it took a lifetime to learn to paint like a child

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MARSHALL PHILIP BARON (1934–1977), XXth-CENTURY PAINTER: The colors of Africa, almost like musical nuances

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DOMENICO VENEZIANO (1410/1461), ITALIAN RENAISSANCE PAINTER: The colors of light, between Venice and Florence

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