December 21, 2024 3:56 pm

REVOLUTIONIZE OUR WAY OF LOOKING AT IT – Why some Renaissance images become famous

In the workshop of painters and photographers,  from Raphael to Kubrick

By typing, you will have the opportunity to discover a Renaissance collection, letting yourself be dazzle by its bold colors. Instead, by entering, you will learn that there are people who share photos of Renaissance paintings.

The Renaissance art of Ventiko, a socially committed artist, takes you into a new world, with reinterpretations of classic paintings filtered by his way of thinking and captured by his camera.

On Getty Images, by typing, you could be attract by the desire to browse almost 200,000 pages of photographs relating to the Renaissance. Who knows if you too will discover something you do not know about Leonardo da Vinci, Florence and Tuscany, Ponte Vecchio and its amazing jewelers.

The other Renaissance, on the other hand, is the strange way and world of photographs that seem almost more beautiful than the original works of art. Of course, you too can take a random photo, and shot after shot you will be able to transform a work of art into something exclusively yours:, which look like true works of art.

The first rule of photographic composition? Of course, it is “the rule of thirds,”, the one that with time and patience, dividing your photograph into nine parts and aligns the main elements with lines of grid, it will give birth to what was not inside your photo viewfinder.

To conclude, but also to deepen the subject, you may know how images from the Renaissance work. By purchasing the illustrated book “Figures“,, you will enter painters’ workshops, photographic studios and film sets, discovering many and many interesting things, from Raphael to Kubrick.

If you want to know photographic stories already published, you can type The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. The only purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works.


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