December 22, 2024 7:00 am

TONE PAINTING, LIGHT AND AIR – Taisia Afonina, painter and watercolorist of the Leningrad school

Landscapes, still lifes and portraits, in Leningrad

What to buy in St. Petersburg? Matryoshkas and handicrafts, but also rare books and paintings in art galleries. Entering the Didi Art Gallery, in Bolshoy Perspective you can admire some interesting sculptures and some small installations, as well as paintings by the most talented contemporary Russian painters, but not those by Taisia Afonina.

Her most known painting, Still Life with Pussy Willows, was paint in April 1964 in Leningrad on Zverinskaya Street, in the apartment where she lived until 1994. Regarded as one of the representatives of the Leningrad school of painting, Taisia Afonina was born in Nikolaev on a May day 1913. She graduated in city Taganrog, caming to Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) to obtain an art education, and had become painter and watercolorist, living and working in that city. She also engaged in the evening classes for working youth.

In 1936, Taisia Afonina started the first course of Painting Department of the Leningrad Institute of Painting. Her first participation in an art exhibition was in 1940. Arriving the WWII, in 1941 she was evacuated Lugansk, where she was involved teaching drawing and painting in local Art school. In 1946, she graduated from the Repin Institute of Arts, returning to Leningrad in 1952, where painting landscapes, still-lifes and portraits, she was involved in art exhibitions of Leningrad artists.

Taisia Afonina worked in oil painting and watercolors, becoming famous as a master of landscape and still-life painting. In the 1950s, she visited Ukraine and Carpathians, painting many studies from the life. Her typical work method adopted tonal painting, with large interest to effect of lights, air and coloristic relations. She died on a 1994 April day in Saint Petersburg. Her paintings reside in art museums and private collections in Russia, USA and England.

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