March 13, 2025 11:44 pm
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KATHERINE LINN SAGE (1898/1963), AMERICAN SURREALIST PAINTER – Member of the Golden Age and Post-War periods of surrealism

Living enigmatic relationship, as their art

She is known as a visual artist, but she also wrote five volumes of poetry, four short plays and an unpublished autobiography. In 1938 she saw the International Surrealist Exhibition at Galerie Beaux-Arts in Paris, where she was struck by the paintings of Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico (of which she bought one his paintings). KATHERINE LINN SAGE born June 25 in Watervliet (near Albany, New York, U.S.), was American Surrealist painter and poet, well known for her architectural style.

She never commented on what her paintings represented (or how their mood should be interpreted). In a Surrealist way, her painting resonates with unsettling paradoxes and hallucinatory qualities. As a girl, KATHERINE LINN SAGE moved from school to school, traveling overseas often with her mother. During those years, she honed her proficiency in several languages, also painting. In 1919–20, she first took formal art classes at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C., After World War I she moved to Rome, where married Prince Ranieri di San Faustino.

A meeting with avant-garde sculptor Heinz Henghes (and the encouragement of poet Ezra Pound), reawakened her interest in making art. In 1936, she exhibited at Galleria del Milione in Milan, whit geometric and abstract works, with a focus on distance and perspective. After about 10 years, KATHERINE LINN SAGE chose to end her marriage, moving to Paris. Many stories are told about her meeting with the Surrealist artist Yves Tanguy, her future second husband. Tanguy and Sage immediately fell in love. She did the bulk of her mature work between 1940 and 1955. During that time the two artists lived at Town Farm in Woodbury, Connecticut, where they purchased a farm, converting its barn into studios.

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