RHYTHMIC DREAMS – Poetry by Aidan

She dreams in spirals Folded double her DNA, her essence. Gleaming, glittering fierce eyes flashing, elegantly packed with ribbon. Dancer, conductor her baton swaying, blazing with fire and flames. Cinderella smiles flies through the air. Zig-zags, serpents living for the ball. Rolling, reaching, pointing her toes towards the heavens, where stars and dreams reside.

POEM.2.1WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD – Poetry by Aukje Veenstra

What is happening to the world, it got bad to words and people got hurt, always in name of religion, why can’t we not get along in the world. What is happening in the world. Why do parents not learn their children respect, and learn live together in the world, is there not enough hunger and pain. What is happening in the world, it took me back to that place in my past, fingers and body shiver, tears coming out. What is happening to the world, it was all for nothing broken heart of a veteran heart that no longer can be made, even an innocent child will be used for hate.

POEM.3.1BREATHING VAPOR – Poetry by Yovanny Andres

The cloak around this world is a breathing vapor, spreading through the streets & sewers. Carrying an illness that reaches deep, through every vein and living cell of humanity, but some people fight against it, in the bliss of a touch by their divine spirit, but eventually they’ll become lost in the ways of this world, because everyone knows, it’s too late. This world has already been infected, and it’ll keep on spreading further, like the sickness of the human-being.


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