March 8, 2025 11:01 am
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EVERYONE BRINGS ON ITS FACE THE DUST OF THE ROAD HE DID – Route 66, eastbound. After California, Arizona

logo Meeting Benches“Everyone brings on its face the dust of the road he did.” This is what to us remember, with a wise proverb, the native Indians of North America. Starting to Route 66 on our face we have the memory of California, a special imprint made of views and music, a book, and poems but also some pictures, along with the colors that a Californian painter has chosen to create its own artistic itinerary Today we walk on the streets of Arizona, tomorrow we will be in New Mexico. You can walk with us on Route 66, up to Illinois. arizona1.1

You can enter Arizona on I-40, following into Kingman, where Quality Inn is dedicated to Rt. 66 (don’t miss it, it’s quite a place, because it has more memorabilia than the Route 66 Hall of Fame in Illinois). Take Old Highway 66 East, turn Left onto Sitgreaves Street and pass railroad, and ariving at Flagstaff you can admire the Walnut Canyon (ancient cliff dwellings). Now, you can enter I-40 at Exit 211, through Winona, Leupp Corner, because you have a special gift: Meteor Crater.arizona2.1

Something special? Just West of Jack Rabbit, cross to South side frontage road, Jack Rabbit Trading Post waiting for you. Take Hopi Drive East through Holbrook and turn left onto Navajo Blvd. Now you can enter I-40 at Exit 289, for your special moment next to the Petrified Forest, Painted Desert.arizona3.1

Do not forget: 66 is dirt road between Exit 342 and Exit 339, but has Querino Canyon Bridge and Old Querino Canyon Trading Post. Leave I-40 at Exit 354, and take south side frontage road East into New Mexico.arizona4.1

We can have dinner together (Butterfield Stage Co Steak House / 609 W Hopi Dr, Holbrook) I have also an idea for where we can go to sleep (Quality Inn Navajo Nation Capital / 48 AZ-264, Window Rock) Tomorrow we expect the New Mexico, a long way down to Texas.


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